
Cards (8)

  • what is globalisation?
    the world becoming more interconnected where countries interact as they are part of a single community leading to increased interdependance
  • name the 5 flows which have deepened and widened global connections
  • Name the 5 flows which have created wider and deeper global connections
    commodities, capital, information,tourists,migrants
  • how has increased flow of commodities and capital increased global connections?

    commodities= increased trade of raw materials and manufactured goods via more trade deals and improvements in technology + capital= online banking increased flow of money, alongside more FDI and trade of goods/services
  • shrinking world?

    the world seemingly getting smaller as the world becomes more interconnected, countries further away feel closer due to reduced travel time
  • how transport and technology increased globalisation
    steam trains or jet aircrafts= goods traded further and at larger quantities, fibre optic cables or electronic banking transfer of info and capital quicker and more convinient
  • what is a special economic zone
    SEZ is an area of land, typically located near the coast, which has different economic rules applied to encourage foreign businesses to invest there. For example, they may have lower tax rates or tax breaks and may remove import and export tariffs off traded goods. Additionally, these areas would have infrastructure networks e.g., ports in place which would be attractive to TNCs.
  • briefly outline chinas open door policy

    in 1978 china opened its doors to foreign direct investment via economic and political reforms which increased chinas competitiveness in the global economy. for example 4 SEZs were set up on the coast of china, encouraging tncs such as apple to outsource its jobs to china.