My notes

Cards (62)

  • الطاقة
    القدرة على بذل شغل
  • أشكال الطاقة

    • الحرارة
    • الضوء
    • الحركة
    • الكهربائية
    • الكيميائية
    • الجاذبية
    • النووية
  • الطاقة الحرارية (المرارة)

    يتم إنشاؤها من اهتزاز الذرات والجزيئات داخل المواد
  • كلما تحركت الجزيئات والذرات بشكل أسرع، زادت الطاقة التي تمتلكها وأصبحت أكثر سخونة
  • الطاقة الحرارية تسمى أيضا الطاقة الحرارية
  • الجزيئات والذرات التي تشكل المادة تتحرك طوال الوقت
  • عندما تسخن مادة ما، فإن ارتفاع درجة الحرارة يجعل هذه الجزيئات تتحرك بشكل أسرع وتصطدم ببعضها البعض
  • مصادر الطاقة الحرارية الرئيسية

    • الشمس
    • النفط
  • Diffusion and directed transport

    1. Movement of material within the cell and across membranes requires a driving force
    2. For diffusive processes, the driving force is the electrochemical gradient
    3. The electrical component of this force requires a separation of charge
    4. Intact membranes are needed to provide the voltage buildup that will allow current to flow
    5. Within the cytoplasm or extracellular fluid, diffusion is entirely driven by concentration gradients
    6. The generation of these gradients is an active process linked to ATP hydrolysis
    7. Once the gradients are generated, they will produce the movement of material without further ATP input
    8. Across the membrane, there can be both concentration and electrical gradients for charged moieties
    9. Transport within the cell comes in two forms: diffusion allows material to move in all directions, while ATP-driven processes move material in particular directions
  • Gravity
    Influences the distribution of blood in the lungs
  • Resistance of the capillary wall
    Primary importance for red blood cells moving through a capillary
  • Blood pressure

    Primary importance for red blood cells moving through a capillary
  • Gravity
    Minor significance for an alveolus expanding during inspiration
  • Surface tension of water

    Major concern for an alveolus expanding during inspiration
  • Physical parameters like gravity, air resistance, applied pressure, surface tension are present at all times, but in most cases only a limited set of physical laws will dominate
  • Movement in the physiological world is Newtonian and Euclidian
  • Voltage
    The force
  • Current
    The flow
  • ٓ١ؽ ْأ شرٛزٌا ٟؾطغٌا ءبٌٍّ ْٛى١ع سذظِ كٍل ش١جو .ًو ٖز٘ ًِاٛؼٌا ،خ١ئب٠ض١فٌا ،خ١ثربغٌا خِٚبمِ ،ءاٌٛٙا ؾغؼٌا ،كجطٌّا شرٛزٌا ،ٟؾطغٌا شضوأٚ ِٓ ،هٌر ْٛىزع حدٛعِٛ ٟف غ١ّع ،دبلٚلأا ٓىٌٚ ٟف ُظؼِ دلابؾٌا ؾمف خػّٛغِ حدٚذؾِ ِٓ ٓ١ٔاٛمٌا خ١ئب٠ض١فٌا ٟ٘ ٟزٌا ّٓ١ٙزع
  • لا نشؾز٠ ٞأ ِٓ بٕربئ٠ضع ةشمٌبث ِٓ خػشع ءٛؼٌا هٌزٌ ٌٓ ْٛى٠ نبٕ٘ ٞأ ش١١غر ٟف بٕزٍزو بّو بٙفظر خ٠شظٌٕا خ١جغٌٕا ،خطبخٌا ٌٓٚ ْٛى٠ نبٕ٘ ٞأ ءبٕؾٔا دبعٌٍّٛ خ١ئٛؼٌا ٞدؤ٠ ٌٝإ يبىشأ خ١عذٕ٘ ش١غ خ٠ذ١ٍلإ
  • ْإ خوشؾٌا ٟف ٌُبؼٌا ٟعٌٛٛ١غفٌا خ١ٔٛرٛ١ٔ خ٠ذ١ٍلإٚ .اٚخّظٔلأا خ١ئب٠ض١فٛ١جٌا ذغ١ٌ خزثبص :ٟٙف غؼخر ٜٛمٌ ،خفٍزخِ ت١غزغرٚ هٍزٌ ٜٛمٌا خوشؾٌبث .،ٌٟبزٌبثٚ نبٕ٘ خٍط حششبجِ ٓ١ث حٛمٌا كفذزٌاٚ
  • عشؼز٠ ةلاطٌا ازٌٙ َٛٙفٌّا ٟف ُٙػشؼر ٌٟٚلأا ءب٠ض١فٌٍ ،خ١ئبثشٙىٌا ٟف خللاؼٌا ٓ١ث سب١زٌا I ٚ R خِٚبمٌّاٚ ٚ C ً١طٛزٌاٚ ٚ ذٙغٌاٚ ٚ V
  • Diffusion
    The process determined by the conditions of the medium and the physical properties of the molecule, such as the molecular weight
  • Concentration gradient
    Always measured from high to low concentration, going from left to right in the figure with a negative slope
  • Material will diffuse

    Down the concentration gradient
  • Flux
    Will go from left to right, having a positive value in the same direction as the negative slope
  • Fick's first law of diffusion
    Relates the diffusive flux to the gradient of the concentration
  • Diffusion coefficient D

    Made up of multiple elements: frictional coefficient f and molecular ambient energy kT
  • Increase in local temperature

    Increases the value of D and thus increases the flux due to diffusion
  • Viscosity η
    Of the medium
  • Radius r
    Of the molecule
  • Viscosity and radius

    Increase the value of the frictional coefficient f, and thus decrease the value of D
  • Molecular weight Mw

    Of the molecule
  • Fick's first law

    1. Relates the diffusive flux to the gradient of the concentration
    2. Flux goes from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration, with a magnitude proportional to the concentration gradient
    3. Solute will move from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration across a concentration gradient
  • ض١وشزٌا

    خطغجِ َٛٙفِ ْأ
  • ةازٌّا ًمزٕ١ع ِٓ خمطِٕ دار ض١وشر غفرشِ
    ٌٝإ خمطِٕ دار ض١وشر غفخِٕ
  • ْٛٔبمٌا يبىشأ

    • خفٍزخِ ش١ؽ ْٛى٠ ًىشٌا شضولأا بًػٛ١ش ٛ٘ طبعلأا ٌٌّٟٛا
  • J
    سبشزٔلاا كفذر ،ٞزٌاٚ ذؼجٌا ٛ٘ خ١ّو حدبٌّا ًىٌ حذؽٚ خؽبغِ ًىٌ حذؽٚ خ١ِٕص
  • D
    ًِبؼِ سبشزٔلاا ٚأ خ٠سبشزٔلاا
  • φ
    ض١وشزٌا ،ٞزٌاٚ ذؼجٌا ٛ٘ خ١ّو حدبٌّا ًىٌ حذؽٚ ُغؽ