A number of people who interact frequently, share common interests, work towards a common goal or objective, and have common expectations of behavior that conform to established guidelines
Characteristics of a group
Frequent interaction
Shared common interests
Shared feeling of unity
Work towards common goal/objective
Common expectations of behavior that conform to established guidelines
Primary group
Usually categorized by small size and frequent interaction. Members see each other relatively often and are familiar with each other.
Secondary group
Usually larger than a primarygroup, with lessfrequent interaction and lessintimacy.
Types of groups
Primary group
Secondary group
Formal group
Informal group
Peer group
Interest group
Pressure group
Volunteer group
Involuntary group
Formal group
Has a clearstructure, definedleader, assignedroles and responsibilities, and sharedcommongoals. Has rules, regulations, and sanctions.
Informal group
No clearstructure, norules or regulations and no requirements for membership
Peer group
Made up of persons of similarage who share similarsocial status, experiences, and interests.
Volunteer group
A group that you join of your own free will, without being paid.
Involuntary group
A group that you become a member of against your own free will.
Institution (1)
An establishedcustom or patternofbehavior in a society, sometimes called a norm.
Institution (2)
A formal, specialized organization.
Characteristics of institutions (2)
Hierarchical structure with clear lines of authority
Individuals have specific roles and status
Serves a specific function in society
Has written rules and guidelines
Endures over time
Has distinct symbols and rituals
Types of institutions
Educational institutions
Economic institutions
Recreational institutions
Religious institutions
Political institutions
Educational institutions
Teach basic skills, knowledge and skills for specific jobs, develop critical thinking, and address spiritual, moral, educational, and physical development.
Educational institutions
Schools, colleges, universities
Economic institutions
Produce and manage resources and the money used as a medium of exchange.
Economic institutions
Banks, building societies, credit unions
Recreational institutions
Provide opportunities for fun, relaxation, amusement, and physicalfitness.
Religious institutions
Allow individuals to practice their faith and provide a sense of fellowship.
Religious institutions
Churches, synagogues, temples, mosques
Political institutions
Responsible for ensuring the society can grow, prosper, and besafe and secure by regulatingcompeting and sometimesconflictinginterests.
Political institutions
Political parties, trade unions attached to political parties