
Cards (11)

  • define ethnicity
    the quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share common cultural background or descent.
  • define race
    race refers to the concept of dividing people into groups on the basis of various sets of physical characteristics + the process of ascribing social meaning to these groups
  • Drummons
    MLE of sociolect of young people in Manchester. MUBE multicultural urban British English. MLE but more regional.
  • Kerswill
    MLE will replace cockney rhyming slang
  • Rampton
    MLE is spread through friendship groups
  • what is MLE?

    lexical "peng " and "creps"
    Grammatical - sentence may be contrusted by starting 'why' and enticing ending 'for'. Replaces the first - person singular pronoun
    Phonological - th-stopping where
  • Khan
    ethnicity is central factor which influences peoples language
  • code switching
    all languages users can move between different types of languages, shifting from one style to another depending on the context of the conversation
  • Rampton and Harris 

    Deficit - there is something lacking
    Difference - there is nothing wrong with language variety, its just different
    Domination - the various languages should be oppressed
    Discourse - language its cultural + community use cannot be easily defined
  • ethnolect
    language variety that marks speakers as members of a ethnic group who orginally used another language (e.g. language used by one ethnic group)
  • multiethnolect
    language formed from several minority groups use to collectively express their minority status