diff members of Enterobacteriaceae from other G(-) rods
Phenol Red indicates what?
whether or not fermentationishappening
When pyruvate is fermented further this leads to
broth acidification, which turns the broth from red to yellow
Pyruvate is fermented further to
variety of acids, alcohols, H2/CO2 (depending)
What are the components of Phenol Red Broth?
peptone, fermentable carbohydrate, phenol red
Phenol red is yellow below
pH 6.8
Phenol red is pink above
pH 7.4
Phenol Red is red in between
Durham tube
test for gasproduction (bubble or gas pocket)
If bacteria cannot ferment they use peptone to grow in broth and this leads to a basic pH. This turns the broth from red to pink
yellowbroth & bubbles intube: fermentation with acid and gasend products (A/G)
yellow broth & no bubbles in tube: fermentation with acid end products and nogas being produced (A/-)
Red broth and no bubbles in tube: nofermentation (-/-)
Pink broth and no bubbles in tube: use (degradation) of peptone for growth and basic end products (B/-)
Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar selective or differential?
Components of EMB: peptone, lactose, sucrose, and dyes eosinY & methylene blue
EMB selective because
dyesinhibit growth of G(+) bacteria
EMB differential because
for bacteria that have enzymes to allow lactosefermentation
EMB agar is used for isolation of fecal coliforms
members of Enterobacteriaceae that produce acid (and gas) from lactosefermentation
non coliforms
members of Enterobacteriaceae that dontfermentlactose
Strong lactose fermenters darkpurple / greenmetallic color in the medium (EMB)
An example of a strong lactose fermenter is E. coli (EMB)
Slower lactose fermenters produce small amounts of acid > results in pink color of growth
An example of a slow lactose fermenter is Enterobacter aerogenes & Klebsiella (mucoid)
Nonfermenters are colorless (retain normal color or takecoloration of medium) and noncoliform
An example of a nonfermenter is Shigella
Poor growth or nogrowth is an organism inhibited by eosin and methylene blue and is gram-positive (EMB)
Goodgrowth is not inhibited by dyes and is gramnegative (EMB)
When the growth is pink, the organism ferments lactose with little acid production which means it's a possiblecoliform. (EMB)
When the growth is dark (purple to black, with or without greenmetallicsheen) the organism ferments lactose and/ or sucrose with a lot of acid production. It is a possible coliform. (EMB)
When the growth is colorless, organism doesnt ferment lactose or sucrose meaning it has no reaction and is a non-coliform. (EMB)
Hektoen Enteric (HE) Agar selective or differential?
HE detects and differentiates between Salmonella and Shigella
(HE) bromothymolblue and acidfuchsindye are pH indicators that detect acid production from fermentation of sugars (differential).
Carbohydrates acidify medium turn yellow / orange. Use of peptone by Shigella and Salmonella alkalizes medium turning blue (HE)
Ferric ammonium citrate (indicator) and sodium thiosulfate (sulfursource) in HE agar enable the detection of hydrogensulfide production > blackcenteredcolonies