morning of 3rd August 1492 Columbus sailed with the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria to Canary Islands
6thSeptember 1492, Columbus sails from Canary Islansds to the unknown with more supplies
10 September 1492 Columbus starts to write 2 logs, one with accurate distances and the other with shorter distances that he showed the crew
24 September 1492 Columbus crew become restless and seem close to a mutiny, Columbus however persuades the crew to carry on
5th October 1492 Columbus and Martin Pinzon, sailing the Pinta, quarrel as Pinzon wanted to turn south thinking they would directly land in Japan however Columbus wins the argument and continues sailing west
10th October 1492 Columbus encourages his crew by promising a silk coat to anyone who spots land
10 October Columbus and Martin Pinzon sight land based animals
Night of 10th October 1492 a sailor on the Pinta spot land
11th October Columbus and captains from the Pinta and Nina and a hand picked crew land on Guanahani (San Salvador) and claim it for Spain by planting a green cross with the monarchs crest