Coptic Terminology Terms

Cards (38)

  • ABBA
    Coptic word meaning 'father'given to the spiritual father/elder. It is also a title given to the Pope and to bishops, and also to some of our fathers the saints.
  • Agabi
    Meaning "love." In the early church & till nowadays the believers used to set a table to feast together in the refactory after participating in the Eucharistic Liturgy (Mass).
  • Aisle
    -a passage on either sides of a nave in a basilican church.
    -It is narrower than the nave and is usually separated from it by a row of columns or arches.
    -Used to enlarge the interior of a church beyond the nave.
    -The aisle roof is lower than that of the nave.
    -In Syria, North Africa, and Europe it formed a lean-to, but in Egypt it was usually flat.
  • Alpha & Omega
    -The first and last letters of Greek alphabet, used in the church in a way to symbolize the eternity of Jesus Christ.
    -He is the Alpha and the Omega, that is the Beginning and the End
  • Altar
    -A cubical table placed in the midst of the sanctuary on which the Holy Sacrifice is offered (the Lord's Body and Blood).
    -Around the altar there is four pillars that end up with a dome called "ciborium" or "canopy."
    -The altar symbolizes the Lord Jesus Christ's grave.
  • Altar clothing
    Refer to the Lord Jesus Christ's grave clothes.
    These coverings include:
    1. A red cover - most probably - that covers the whole altar, having a cross on each of its corners.
    2. A white cover, smaller than the former.
    3. The Prospharine
  • ALTAR FANS (Flabellum) 

    -The deacons use fans during the Eucharist referring to the Cherubim.
    -Besides there is two circular metallic fans, at the midst of which is drawn the figure of a cherub. It is used in festival processions.
  • Altar Lights

    • To illumine the church, its sanctuary, and the altar,must be lit during the liturgy and other prayers, even if services are held in daylight
    • Inside the sanctuary two candle lamps must remain constantly lit: one in the eastern niche, and the other hanging down from the dome above the altar
    • During liturgical prayers two large candles are placed on candlesticks, one to the north and the other to the south of the altar
    • Two wooden or metallic altar-candlesticks are put on either sides of the altar, and not upon -They refer to the 2 angles in lord's grave
  • Ambo
    -An elevated pulpit where the bishop or priest are used to stand on and preach the people. -The ambo (Arabic, anbil) stands at the northeastern side of the nave.
    -It is built of white or colored marble, stone, or wood, supported on pillars, and is reached by a staircase.
    -It is sometimes carved with crosses and flowers, finely sculptured and filled with rich designs.
  • Ampulla
    -A small container about 3-4 inches high of pale yellow or orange clay, produced in the neighborhood of the church of St. Menas, near Alexandria.
    -Ampullae, filled with water ,oil or earth
  • Apostles Feast 

    -We celebrate this feast on the 5th of Abib (12th of July), the day when SS. Peter and Paul were martyred.
    -The Apostles' fasting extends from Monday that follows Pentecost till the day before the feast of the Apostles.
    -This feast inspires us to live as the apostles did live.
  • Archangel
    -There are seven Archangels, namely: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Souriel, Sadakiel, Sarathiel and Ananiel.
    -They are the great, pure, and luminescent beings who intercede on behalf of humanity.
  • Archdeacon
    -He is on the top of deacons, and their leader.
    -St. Stephen was the first deacon, and first martyr.
  • Ascension day
    -it commemorates the ascension of Christ to heaven and the end of the resurrection appearances: Holy Thursday or the 40th day after Easter.
  • Baptism
    -A ceremonial rite instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and regeneration by water and the Holy Spirit.
    -In baptism one is admitted into the fellowship of the church, becomes one of her well known members, and is known of the Christian church and becomes a child of God.
    -Baptism is regarded as the first and principal sacrament, without which none of the other sacraments can be administered.
  • Baptismal font

    -It is oftenly found in a special room, at the north-west of the Church's nave.
    -During baptismal rites the priest recites certain prayers to sanctify the water and the baptized person.
    -The baptized person is immersed in water three times, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, signifying that he is buried with the Lord for three days.
    -It was a large basin below ground-level in which the neophyte stood within the water.
  • Baptistery
    -The place where the baptismal font is located.
    -Egyptian baptisteries are usually square shaped or rectangular. As it is an integral part of the church, it is completely subordinated to the shape of the building.
  • Bell
    -Church Bell rings with a joyous tone at the start of Eucharist (Mass), during Holy Communion, on feasts and on receiving a bishop.
    -It rings with a sad tone in the Holy Week, and in funeral services.
  • Benediction
    The blessing given to the congregation in God's name pronounced by a clergyman at the end of a service.
  • Baptism
    -A ceremonial rite instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and regeneration by water and the Holy Spirit.
    -In baptism one is admitted into the fellowship of the church, becomes one of her well known members, and is known of the Christian church and becomes a child of God.
    -Baptism is regarded as the first and principal sacrament, without which none of the other sacraments can be administered.
  • Baptismal font

    -It is oftenly found in a special room, at the north-west of the Church's nave.
    -During baptismal rites the priest recites certain prayers to sanctify the water and the baptized person.
    -The baptized person is immersed in water three times, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, signifying that he is buried with the Lord for three days.
    -It was a large basin below ground-level in which the neophyte stood within the water.
  • Baptistery
    -The place where the baptismal font is located.
    -Egyptian baptisteries are usually square shaped or rectangular. As it is an integral part of the church, it is completely subordinated to the shape of the building.
  • Bell
    -Church Bell rings with a joyous tone at the start of Eucharist (Mass), during Holy Communion, on feasts and on receiving a bishop.
    -It rings with a sad tone in the Holy Week, and in funeral services.
  • Benediction
    The blessing given to the congregation in God's name pronounced by a clergyman at the end of a service.
  • Candel
    -We lit candles at church, referring to the heavens that is enlightened with the Lord Jesus Christ.
    -We lit the candles on reading the Holy Bible because God's word is the world's light.
    -The candle lights to others, likewise ought the Christian, he has to serve others on the expense of himself.
  • Cell
    A monk's private room in a monastery
  • Censer
    -A silver or copper container where embers are put and incense is burnt to be presented to God.
    -It refers to the Virgin holding Christ.
    -The fire that unites with charcoal refers to the divinity of Christ united with humanity.
  • Chalice
    -A golden or a silver vessel where it is put the holy wine and some water. In the Eucharist this is transferred to the Lord Jesus Christ's Blood.
    -The chalice is put in a wooden box called the "Ark," or the "Throne."
  • Chrism
    -A consecrated oil used in two sacraments, viz. at baptism and Chrism, as well as at the consecration of the Church and of the sacred vessels etc.
    -The priest is allowed to anoint the newly-baptized with the
    -It's made out of specific oils mixed with spices that was presented when the Lord was shrouded.
  • Church
    -It is the people's congregation, together with the clergy, as being Christ's Body.
    -It is a one, holy, apostolic and universal (Catholic) community. -It is God's house consecrated to worship.
    -It is the house of angels who join us in praising God.

    1-The sanctuary where there is the altar.
    2- The nave, divided into:
    a-The chancel.
    b- Believers chorus.
    c- The chorus of the catechumens (the narthex).
  • Church's shape 

    1-In the shape of a ship, reminding us of Noah's ark.
    2- Circular in shape as eternity is, having no beginning nor end.
    3- In the shape of a cross.
    -On top of it are semi-circular domes that reminds us of heaven.
    -The big middle dome stands on four pillars, on each pillar is drawn the icon of one of the evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).
  • Cenobitic Monasticism
    A type of monasticism established by Abba Bakhomious, Father of the Community, in the third century, where monks or nuns live a communal life in a monastery or convent.
  • Coptic
    -This word means "Egyptian."
    -Nowadays Egyptian Christians are so called.
    -St. Mark the Apostle preached Egypt.
  • Council
    A convention or assembly of the priests, together with the bishop to administer the church pastoral duties and spiritual life of its members.
  • Cross
    -An instrument of shameful execution, which became after Christ's crucifixion the universal symbol of the Christian faith.
    -We praise the Cross, for through it we attain our salvation, victory over the devil and participation in the glory of Christ.
    -The priest uses the Cross during service, and in blessing the people.
    -Christ is the source of blessing through the Cross.
  • Cross processional 

    A large cross mounted on a pole which is carried by a deacon at the head of a procession during feasts, celebrations, and other special occasions.
  • Cymbals
    Two circular metallic instruments that give a rhythm to harmonize church hymns.