the public modifier is applicable to interfaces, classes, records, fields, and methods
public modifier means accessible from any other class or package
private modifier is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
private modifier means accessible only within the defining class
protected modifier is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
protected modifier means accessible within the same package or by subclasses even if they are in different classes
public static is applicable to interfaces, fields, and methods
publicstatic means accessible from any class, but no instance is needed and is shared across all instances
public final is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
publicfinal means cannot be overridden or changed after the initial assignment and accessible from any class
public abstract is applicable to interfaces, classes, and methods
publicabstract means must be implemented by subclasses, and cannot instantiate directly and has no implementation in the class itself
private static is applicable to classes, fields, and method
privatestatic means accessible only within the class and is shared across all instances of the class
private final is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
protected static is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
protectedstatic means accessible within the same package or by subclasses, shared across all instances
true or false: interface fields are public static by default?
protected final is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
protectedfinal means cannot be overridden and is accessible within the same package or by subclasses
protected abstract is applicable to methods
protectedabstract means must be implemented by any subclass and is accessible within the same package or by subclass
public static final is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
publicstaticfinal represents a global constant that is accessible from anywhere, only one instance exists, and it cannot be changed after assignment
private static final is applicable to classes, fields, and methods
privatestaticfinal represents a private constant meaning it is only accessible within the class and cannot be changed after assignment, and. is shared across all instances of the class
the static modifier means that there is only one copy of the variable for all class instances. static methods do not need an instance reference to be called
final variables can never change value once assigned
an interface has no structure and only behaviors
abstractclasses have structures and behaviors
primitivetypes have no behaviors and only structure
a class describes a collection of object with similar responsibilities
the new keyword is used to create an instance of a class
the void keyword specifies that a method does not return any value
null is a value that shows that an object is referring to nothing
integer underflow (Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1) causes java to wrap around to the MAX value and continue from there
integeroverflow causes java to wrap around to the MIN value and continue from there (Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1)
the primitive type boolean cannot hold a null value (true or false): true
the wrapper class Boolean cannot hold a null value in addition to true or false (true or false): false
inheritance is the design mechanism in oop that establishes shared behaviors among classes through a hierarchical relationship (an abstraction that allows objects to share behaviors and be treated polymorphically)