Non-Blood Specimens

Cards (78)

  • Three types of urine testing
  • When is best for urine collection
    First Morning Sample
  • What causes UTI
    E. Coli
  • Normal for postprandial
  • Threshold for postprandial
    160 g/dL
  • You should collect midstream during urine sample collection
  • How much mL is needed in urine analysis?
    12 mL
  • 3 types of urine catheters
    -Red Rubber/Polypropylene Catheter
    -Foley Catheter
    -Tom Cat Catheter
  • Urinalysis:
    No visible particulates, transparent
  • Urinalysis:

    Few particulates, print wasily seen through urine
  • Urinalysis:
    Many particulates, print blurred through urine
  • Urinalysis:
    Print cannot be seen through urine
  • Urinalysis:
    May precipitate or be clotted
  • Optimal urine color
  • Urine color where in you need to drink water within an hour
  • when urine color is yellow you need to drink water within how long of a time frame?
    within an hour
  • Coloring agent if urine

  • Urine PH:
    Average normal urine PH
  • Urine PH:
    Normal range depending on diet
  • Urine PH:
    Higher urine PH
    Alkaline urine
  • Urine PH:
    Lower urine PH
    Acid urine
  • Urine PH:
    Higher PH
    1. Drugs: Sodium Bicarbonate
    2. Classic: Renal Tubular Acidosis
    3. Alkalosis (metabolic or respiratory)
  • Urine PH:
    Lower PH
    1. Drugs: Ammonium Chloride
    2. Acidosis (metabolic or respiratory)
  • Urine Specific Gravity:
    Urine specific gravity value when well hydrated
  • Urine Specific Gravity:
    Urine specific gravity value when minimal dehydration
  • Urine Specific Gravity:
    Urine specific gravity value when significant dehydration
  • Urine Specific Gravity:
    Urine specific gravity value when serious dehydration
  • 3 membranes that cover the CSF
    1. Outer Most Membrane: Dura Mater
    2. Center Membrate: Arachnoid Mater
    3. Inner Membrane: Pia Mater
  • CSF is located between the
    Pia and Arachnoid Mater
  • CSF is a selective ultrafiltrate of plasma
  • Name of the membranes that cover the CNS
  • Clear, colorless body fluid is found in the brain and spinal cord.
    Cerebrospinal Fluid
  • What absorbs CSF
    Arachnoid Villi
  • CSF Collection:
    Spinal needle is inserted usually between what lumbar vertebrae
    3rd and 4th
  • CSF Collection:
    Where is the anesthesia inserted
    skin only
  • CSF Collection:
    What position does the patient need to be in during CSF collection
    Fetal Position
  • CSF Collection:
    What needle is required for faster collection
    22g Spinal Needle
  • CSF Collection:
    Needle selection
    Beveled tip, easy skin penetration, easy to steer
  • CSF Collection:
    Needle selection
    Non-cutting needle, theoretical lower risk of CSF leak

  • CSF Collection:
    Needle selection
    Needle length for obese patients
    5 inches (13cm)