Sleepexperts recommend that adults get seven to ninehours of sleep but in the US, adults typically get about 6.8 hours of sleep.
Endogenous means being generated by the body regardless of environment which is naturally occuring
CircannualRhythm prepares animals for seasonal changes even when caged without cues to the season
CircadianRhythm is a rhythm that last a day and are synchronized such as wakefulness and sleep, hormone, Frequency of eating, body temperature.
BiologicClock or SenseofTime - Duration for humans is between 24-25 hours, it is insensitive to most interference such as food and water deprivation
Humans and otheranimals have an internalbiologicalclock called the circadianrhythm
CircadianRhythm patterns vary over approximately a 24 hour cycle and occur even in the absence of normal cues about whether it is day or night.
SuprachiasmaticNucleus is an area of hypothalamus that sets the circadian rhythm
Neurons produce Circadianrhythmtissueculture, genes interact with proteins Per and Tim to generate rhythm
Mutant per gene accelerated biologicalclock, Pineal gland releases melatonin 2 hours before bed time
Once the SuprachiasmaticNucleus rhythms are damaged, rhythms are less consistent, not synchronized to light and dark patterns
The sun activates proteins in the retina of our eyes and will signal SuprachiasmaticNucleus, SCN cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus that governs the timing of circadian rhythms
Melatonin is a hormone of the pineal gland that produces sleepiness
Brightlight decreases production of melatonin; decreases light increases melatonin
Frequencies are numbers of wave per seconds
Amplitudes is heights or an index strength
Brainwaves are rough indicators of the activity of large numbers of neuroms
Volts is the unit of measurements for strength or energy of brain waves
Alpha waves are rapid low amplitude brain waves that have been linked to feelings of relaxation
RapidEyeMovementor (REM) sleep refers to a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, which have been linked to dreaming
Thetawaves or slow brain waves produced during the hypnagogic state (6-8 cycles per second)
Deltawaves (strong) are slow brain waves usually emitted during stage 4 sleep
The use of EEG shows variation in brain waves which determine differentstagesofsleep.
During an 8hourperiod, people typically progress through all 5fullcycles, each cycle lasts about 90minutes
When awake, brain waves show a high frequency, low amplitude pattern