Cards (5)

    • • Strength - Value of longitudinal studies – although time consuming and expensive longitudinal studies allow researchers to access the long-term effects of institutionalisation and whether recovery is possible with sufficient time and care = findings of longitudinal studies area valid representation
    • Weakness – the effects of initialisation may disappear over time - Le Mare and Audet conducted a longitudinal study of 36 Romanians adopted in Canada and found the physical under development of children had improved by the age of 11 = suggests development does continue and the effects of institutionalisation may be reversible
    • Weakness
      • Deprivation is only one factor
      • Extraneous variables - Romanian orphans were faced with much more than emotional deprivation
      • Their physical conditions were appalling, which may have also impacted their health
      • The lack of cognitive stimulation may have also affected their cognitive development
      • Some children might receive special attention, possibly because they smiled more and had some type of attachment experience
    • Researchers should be cautious when interpreting the effects of Romanian orphan studies as there are other factors that could have affected the orphans development
    • • Strength - Real Life Application – Research of Bowlby changed the way that children were looked after so that much more focus was given when children were hospitalised. Changes in adoption has also changed so mothers who give up their baby for adoption must do so within the first week of birth so the baby can form an attachment (Singer) = highlights benefits of research in this area to improve children’s lives.