(1304-1374) Father of the Renaissance. He believed the first two centuries of the Roman Empire to represent the peak in the development of human civilization, whcih means he lpved and studied the ideas of cicero. He beleived in the ideas of humanisma nd indic=vidualism which led to the reniessance.
Lorenzo Valla
he learned that a chritsian document by the church was falsified which led him to critisize the church. He furthered the spread of religious to secular authority and the belief in science from religion. He also led the bleive of communal notions to individual search in biblical truth.
Humanities Education
humanities w3ere added to the curriculum to expand the ability and versatility of humans.
the courtier
was written by castiglione and expressed how gentlemen should act and mainley how humans should be rounded individuals
civic humanism
humanism with the added belief that one must be an active and contributing member to one's society.
the prince
was written by niccolomachiavelli whcih said a prince must trike and enlightened balance to rule and maintain power. this was an example of civichumanism.
Middle Age Art
it was filled with religious symbolism and flat
italien reinassance
the art was very realistic and used new artistic tools such as geometric perspective
sculpture of david
created by michalangelo which is an example of italien reneissance art and showed realisma and naturalism
School of Athens
created by raphael and included greek and roman figures which was a sign of the italien reneissance
northern reneissance
developed a more chritsian focus but was still very humanistic (christian humanism). the art emphasized the regular aspcets of life.
In Prasie of Folly
written by erasmus it critisized religious and political leaders
printing Press
spread ideas from italy to north. johanessguttenberg printed the bible and spread it rapidly. martin luthers works were spread faster leading to a more explosive rowth in the protestant reformation
Vernacular Literature
Literature written in the everyday language spoken by common people. this allowed individual cultures to emerge
Henry VII
his wife was the daughter of ferdinand and isabel of catholic spain so when he tried to annull their marriage by asking the pope spain told the pope to say no. he still deivocred her which led the pope to call the marriage illigitamite. In rebellion eh created his own church called the church of england and the treasonact which said you would be killed if you didnt follow his new church.
she was grandaughter of HenryVII. she created the act of unifromity whcih said one had to attent the anglicanchurch whcih she created. this created a common religiojn in england
ferdiannd and isabel
they unified spain by creating a beaucracy. having the reconcista which drove out the muslims and jews from psian. they also created catholicism as the official religiojn of spain.
Concordat of Bologna (1516)
Treaty under which the French Crown recognized the supremacy of the pope over a council and obtained the right to appoint all French bishops and abbots.
Peace of Augsburg
1555 agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler
monarchial power
during this time a shift from religious power to monarch power occured. concordat of bologna and peace of augburg both agev more power to the monarch.
Medici Family
Ruled Florence during the Renaissance, became wealthy from banking, spent a lot of money on art, controlled Florence for about 3 centuries
spain wanted new colonies bc of the three G's
God=spread catholicism ->sent jesuits
Gold=mercantisliscm which said one should export more than import with the help of jean baptist colbert they were able to create policies that said they would export more
glory=they wanetd to gain more colonise and colonizers gained glory. this created the idea of the balance of power
with the influx of money from the new world a shift from feudalism to capatalism occured. Bc of this wealthy elite noticed that with the help of new farming practices they could make bank. furthermore capitalism loved the idea of private ownerhsip which led to the enclosure movement which led to urbnization as faerms moved to cities.