M4: topic 4: water-borne disease

Cards (14)

  • explain the agents and source of WBD
    1. it can = in variety of illness due to variety of pathogens
    2. common sources for transmission
    3. potable water
    4. recreational water
  • define water as a res
    1. can be a source of large number of pathogens
    2. lepospria water contem with urine
    3. cytroporodium - pararsistic
  • list non-feceal water
    1. legionella - water cooling systems, natural streams and air conditions
    2. pseudomonas
  • what are coliforms 

    indicator organisms for screening and not for viral pathogens
  • write the steps of testing coliform and e.coli
    1. enumerating the sample
    2. MPN produce and MF
    3. utilises proprietary sub-enzyme change <— looks at beta-glusocase
  • resulting of screening for e.coli
    • sample clear = no coliforms
  • Biosecurity
    • decrease the risk of spread of infections
    • preventative measures
    • react to outbreaks
  • bioterrorism
    • intestinal or treated uses of microbes/toxins
    • delibrate
    • aim: death
  • cholera
    • transmitted by contaminated water
    • in developing countries
    • atatches to epithial cells in SI, grows and release entertoxin
    • dehydration = death
    • has o-groups
    • cells secrete muscinase = increase AMP
  • Legionellosis
    • gram -ve bacteria
    • exist in biofilm
    • identified using flouresenct microscopy
    • cells grow within macrophage and monocytes
    • aersols
    • reistent to heat and chloride
    • treated with antibiotics
  • Typhoid
    • pathogenic bacteria
  • norovirus
    • GI illness
    • vom, dia, and malaise
    • treated with UV
    • transmitted in feacel
  • e.coli
    • sometimes develops hemolytic urmeric sydeome which affects kidneys
    • transmission size is <100
    • adheres to host cell and colonise in LI
  • crytosporidos
    • protist in a parasite in instesting
    • diarhhea
    • no therapeutic treatments
    • diagnosis through Florescent and PCR