4:Cognition and Motivation

Cards (12)

  • Vroom's Expectancy Theory

    This theory states that people will behave based on what they expect as a result of their behavior. In other words, people will work in relation to the expected reward.
  • Valence
    The desirability of an outcome
  • 3 factors of vroom:
  • Instrumentality
    The perceived probability that effective
  • Expectancy
    The perceived probability that effort will result in the required level of performance
  • Goal setting theory

    a theory that says that specific and difficult goals, with feedback, lead to higher performance

    Locke and Latham
  • Features of effective goals

    Goals must be specific and challenging
    Goals must be measurable
    Goals must be attainable
  • Why do goals motivate people?
    Direct attention and effort towards activities
    Energise behaviour - lead people to expend effort
    Induce persistence and prolonged effort
    Influence the acquisition and use of task-relevant knowledge and strategies that increase the chances of success.
  • Under what conditions do goals lead to motivation and performance?

    When individuals are committed to their goals
    When feedback on progress is provided
    The relationship between goal setting and performance is the strongest for low complexity tasks. Why?
    When situational constraints does not interfere
  • Goal orientation

    People tend to adopt one of two orientations in work-related (achievement) situations:
    -mastery goal orientation
    -Performance goal orientation (PGO)
  • Learning/ mastery goal orientation

    orientation in which individuals are concerned with increasing their competence for the task at hand; they view errors and mistakes as part of the learning process
    believe ability can be developed
  • Performance goal orientation

    views situations as ego threatening and or enhancing(protecting the self)
    try to improve competence
    want to obtain favorable evaluations from others
    believe the ability is fixed