the regular use of certain words to convey an essential idea
stereotypical characters
the epic heroes of filipinos are - expected to posses extraordinary powers or with
inspiring stories of human travails and triumphs depicting all kinds of emotion written to entertain and teach morals
it is a long narrative poem in the elevated style recounting the deeds of the legendary hereos
folk song
it is a traditional music of the philippines that reflects the philippines' diverse culture
these are short statement that teach good conduct and serve guides in our daily lives, also known as salawikain
explain how the world was created and make use of god and goddesses
this is where the creation of the world was written
it is derived from the Javanese or Indonesian script
these are accounts that are regarded as historical but not verifiable
it is a writing system used by filipinos during the pre colonial period
oral tradition
it is a form of transmission wherein art forms, including oral literature, are received, protected, and transmitted by the story tellers to the people
chieftain- leader
debauchery - vice
spume - bubbles
mimicked - copied \
distinguishing - determine
mauled - protected
profligate - canny
progressive - static
arable - wetland \
inveterate - inexperiend
contains sets of words in which there is a common relationship between the set - a comparison between two things, typically for explanation or clarification
it is a strong device that is used to show connection and comparison between unlike things which highlights how they are alike
whole to part
it is a type of relationship in analogy in which one term is part of the other term
item to category
the relationship between the 2 words depicts one entity which can belong to a category
relationship between the words mean the opposite of each other
shows how they are similar in meaning to one another
object to use
shows an object's function for something specific
shows the function of the object for the other word
is the largest grammatical unit in the English rank scale and it refers to a group of words that begins with a capital letter
refers to the part of sentence that tells who or what sentence is about
tells what the subject does with an action verb or describes the subject using linking verb or a complement
ends with a period
question mark
this is the basic unit of english grammar
this is a group of words that do not have a subject nor a predicate
it cannot stand alone and does not have a complete meaning
absolute phrase
it is a phrase that combines a noun and a participle with any accompanying modifiers or objects
appositive phrase
it is a phrase that restates,expounds, or explain further the term it precedes