Foodstagnation, over-reacting, eating too fast; symptoms include feeling of fullness,bloating, pain in upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, abnormal distension
Dry fecal material or stool, caused by stress and some medications; can lead to colon cancer and multiple sclerosis
Loose,watery,frequentbowelmovements when feces pass along colon too rapidly; caused by infection, poor diet, nervousness, toxic substances, irritants in food
Acid reflux syndrome, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD); small quantities of stomach acid are regurgitated into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation
Sore or lesion that forms in the mucosal lining of the stomach or duodenum; primary cause is H. pylori bacteria, lifestyle factors include alcohol, stress, certain drugs; symptoms include burning pain in abdomen
Excessive amount of gases stored in the digestive system
Inflammationof the largeintestine or colon; symptoms include bloody mucus in the stool, weight loss, urgent bowel movements, tiredness, nausea
Cell is the basic unit of structure and function of life
Types of cells
Prokaryotic (one-celled organism)
Eukaryotic (contains organelles surrounded by membranes)