5.2a inputs, flows and outputs

Cards (13)

  • orographic/relief rainfall
    • warm moist air across ocean rises over an obstacle (mountain)
    • cools and condenses to form clouds + rain
    • causes low pressure as it rises - overcome obstacle with denser air so sinks and creates high pressure
    • creates rain shadow on lee side - little precipitation, cloud cover or wind
    • e.g Pennines in Manchester
  • convectional rainfall
    • insolation from sun heats ground up and water in air evaporates
    • rises until dew point where it cools and condenses - loses energy
    • energy transferred to surroundings and heats up nearby water which rises and condenses (latent heat transfer)
    • creates cumulo-nimbus clouds
    • common at equator due to ITCZ e.g Cherrapungi in India receives 3000mm of rainfall in one month in summer
  • frontal rainfall
    • creates low pressure environment or a depression
    • different air masses meet - warm air rises over cool air -> rises and condenses
    • most common rainfall in UK
  • interception
    temporary storage as water is captured by vegetation before reaching soil - can prevent up to 40% of water reaching ground
  • infiltration
    water entering the topsoil - most common during slow or steady rainfall
  • Surface runoff
    flow over land surface
  • throughflow
    water seeping laterally through soil below surface but above water table
  • percolation
    downward seepage of water through rock under gravity, especially on permeable rocks e.g limestone
  • groundwater flow
    • water infiltrated and percolates into bedrock and below/at water table
  • evaporation
    conversion of water to vapour
  • transpiration
    water taken up by plants and transpired onto leaf surface
  • channel flow

    movement of water contained within a river channel
  • evapotranspiration
    combined effect of evaporation and transpiration