definitions of abnormality

Cards (16)

  • what are the four definitions of abnormality

    statistical infrequency, deviation from social norms, failure to function adequately and deviation from ideal mental health
  • what is statistical infrequency
    numerically unusual behaviour or characteristic
  • one strength of statistical infrequency 

    real world application - used for a clinical diagnosis to measure severity
  • one limitation of statistical infrequency
    unusual characteristics aren't always undesirable
  • what is deviation from social norms
    a social judgement about what is acceptable
  • one strength of deviation from social norms

    real world application - used to diagnosis certain disorders like antisocial personality disorder
  • one limitation of deviation from social norms
    cultural relativism
  • definition of failing to function adequately
    inability to cope with demands of every day life
  • who created failure to function adequately
    Rosenhan and Seligman
  • what are signs of failing to function adequately
    non-conformity to social roles, personal distress and severe danger to self or others
  • one strength of failing to function adequately
    represents a threshold for help
  • one limitation for failing to function adequately
    can be discriminative - people living non - standard lifestyles may be labelled wrongfully abnormal
  • who created the criteria for ideal mental health
    Marie Jahoda
  • what is the criteria for ideal mental health
    lack of symptoms, rationality, self - actualisation, coping well with stress, realistic world - view, autonomy (independence from others)
  • one strength of ideal mental health
    comprehensive definition allows patient - doctor discussions and a correct diagnosis
  • one limitation of ideal mental health
    may be culture - bound