
Cards (7)

  • what approach explains phobias
  • what does the behavioural approach use to explain phobias
    the two - process model
  • how does someone acquire a phobia
    classical conditioning - UCS is linked to the NS which become associated and produce a UCR now called the CR
  • how does someone maintain a phobia

    operant conditioning - avoidance of phobic stimulus negatively reinforced by anxiety reduction so phobia is maintained
  • two strengths of the two process model
    1. real world application - phobias successfully treated by preventing avoidance
    2. research support - little Albert
  • two limitations of the two process model
    1. fails to account for cognitive aspects (irrational beliefs) so is only a partial explanation
    2. doesn't explain innate phobias
  • how was Little Albert conditioned to fear white rats
    through classical conditioning
    1. when Albert played with a white rat a loud noise (UCS) close to his ear which caused a fear response (UCR)
    2. the rat (NS) did not create fear until the bang and rat was paired several times
    3. Albert then showed a fear response (CR) every time he came into contact with the rat (CS)