By emphasising Scrooge's initial extreme attitudes and rejection of anything that does not make him money, he shows there is hope for all of us.
Dickens had very little faith in politicians or the church to help the issues with poverty at the time. He saw the PoorLaw as harsh and unfeeling and he felt that not a lot was being done to help people.
Dickens emphasizes the value of this through his presentation of the two children, Ignorance and Want. It shocks us that Dickens regards ignorance as more dangerous than poverty, but he using chilling emotive language to show how seriously he takes the issue of the importance of education.
The Cratchits are regarded as Dicken's face of the poor in his novella - they are on the edge of poverty and Bob can only just afford to support his family. But Dickens shows us that poverty is deeper than just the Cratchits - the charity collectors and that many of the poor would rather die than go to the union workhouses.
At the time, ghosts were popular and using the ghosts would have been entertaining for the audience, while giving the moral message at the same time. He uses the ghosts to manipulate time and allows Scrooge to travel to his past, present and future.
Dickens demonstrates the need for companionship and company.Scrooge was alone as aboy but readstories for comfort. The difference between Scrooge at the beginning and the end is huge, and this is because he has rejoinedsociety.
Dickens uses the image of this to show the positiveimpact that it can have on society. We see the impact that seeing his sister has on Scrooge and the importance at having familytogether at key times in the year to spend time together and shareexperiences.