1. Rat ingest L3 from environment (rare for humans to acquire in the environment) and the L3 will infect the rats in the pulmonary arteries of the rat and it will mature to male and female Parastrongylus cantonensis
2. It will then go to the intestine and lay eggs. The eggs will be passed out in the fecal material of the rats
3. The eggs will undergo embryonation and eaten by snail or slug
4. It will molt inside the snail/slug and eventually to L1
5. In cases of humans, they can harbor this parasite through eating snails (infective stage: L3), or eating crabs shrimp with encysted larvae
6. The larva will be ingested by humans and reach small intestine, but will not develop to adult male or female. It will only go to the circulation and will go to different parts of the body, eyes, lungs and other visceral parts of the body
7. When humans eat the definitive host, nothing will happen because it is already an adult