Heredity also called as inheritance or biological inheritance
is the passing on of traits from parents to their offspring; either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction
are passed from parents to offspring and contain the information needed to specify traits
There are two types of cell in the body:
Somatic cell or body cell
Sex cell or gametes
Somatic cell or body cell
make up the most of body tissues and organs
Sex cell or gametes
gametes are mainly cells for reproduction found in ovaries of female and testes of male
Body cells contains 46 chromosomes, which come in pair and genetically identical.
• The 23rd pair is called as the SEX CHROMOSOMES. Associated with the gender of the organism.
• Female –XX chromosomes
• Male – XY chromosomes
Body cells are HAPLOID cells (n), meaning each cell has two pairs of chromosomes One pair of chromosomes is donated by the father and one pair of chromosomes from the mother (46 chromosomes).
Sex cells are DIPLOID CELLS(2n), are cells contain one set of chromosomes (23 chromosomes). This have two copies of each chromosomes.
Nucleic Acid
are extremely complex molecules produced by living things, without this, enzymes and other proteins cannot be made.
There are two classes of nucleic acid:
DNA or the Deoxyribonucleic acid
RNA or the Ribonucleic acid
is the study of heredity and variations of different organisms
Gregor Johann Mendel (1882-1884)
is the “father of Genetics”.
What plant did Mendel chose to study?
Pea plants
are sections of DNA that determine certain traits or characteristics( the immune system, skin pigmentation, hormone production, and eye color)
are different versions of the same gene
Is a sequence of DNA or RNA that corresponds to a specific amino acid.
Amino acid
Building block of protein
is a change in amount or structure of DNA of an organism.
are substances or conditions that cause or increase the rate of mutation.
What are the examples of mutagens?
What are the two major type of mutation?
Gene mutations
chromosomal mutations
Chromosomal mutation
involves the change in the number or structure of chromosomes.
Gene mutation
Involves the change of genes, like alteration in DNA sequence
Two types of gene mutation: Point mutation
happen when there is a replacement (substitution)of one base pair from another
Two types of gene mutation: Frameshift mutation
occur when there is an insertion or deletion of the base pairs from the DNA structure.
Any alteration of chromosome number or structure cause some GENETIC DISORDER.
Occurs when problems with the meiotic spindle cause errors in daughter cells.
it acts as the carrier of genetics information of almost all living things
It is double-stranded and has double helix structure
Chargaff rules - Erwin Chargaff
Purines = Pyrimides
is a single stranded structure
is a single-stranded structure and it function as a messenger
A game with two opposing sides, light colored and dark colored, briefly called White and Black
How to Play Chess
1. Begin with learning the chess pieces
2. White always goes first
Chess pieces
1 King
1 Queen
2 Rooks (or Castles)
2 Bishops
2 Knights
8 Pawns
Moves one square forward, but on its first move, it can move two squares forward
Captures diagonally one square forward
Pawn's first move
1. Can move forward one or two squares
2. If already moved, can move forward just one square at a time
3. Attacks (or captures) each square diagonally to the left or right