Schaffer's stages of attachment

Cards (8)

  • What did Schaffer and Emerson do?
    • They studied 60 babies from Glasgow for 18 months to find out how attachments develop from a young age.
  • What did Schaffer and Emerson find?
    • They found that babies started to show separation protest/anxiety between 6-8 months.
    • They showed stranger anxiety one month later
    • After 18 months 87% of children formed 2 attachments and 31% formed 5+ attachments.
    • Children who were strongly attached to their parent had quicker responses to their signals/behaviour.
  • What is the pre-attachment phase?
    • 0-2 months
    • where the child shows similar behaviour towards inanimate objects and adults
    • child starts to prefer the company of those who are familiar suggesting the start a forming attachment
  • What is the indiscriminate attachment phase?
    • Where there is an obvious preference towards familiar people over unfamiliar people such as smiling more.
    • They will still allow strangers to handle them
    • 2-7 months
  • What is the discriminate attachment phase?
    • 7 months onwards
    • Baby shows a specific attachment to one human known as the primary attachment figure - this is the person who offers the most interaction
    • The baby experiences separation anxiety and stranger anxiety
  • What is the multiple attachment phase?
    • 11+ months
    • baby will start to extend their attachment to other caregivers such as grandparents - they are known as the secondary attachments
  • What evidence is there to support these stages of attachment?
    • Schaffer and Emerson
    • Studied babies in Glasgow across 18 months
    • They found that around 6-8 months the babies started to show separation protest which suggests the discriminate attachment phase
    • 87% developed 2 attachments and 31% developed 5+ attachments after 18 months, suggesting the multiple attachment phase
  • Why does this study have good external validity?
    • conducted under everyday conditions e.g at home
    • parents reported the behaviour back to Schaffer and Emerson and so observers weren't in the room disturbing the natural behaviour of the babies