society shapes individuals through social institutions. macro structural and consensus theory. systems have interrelated parts which as independent
functionalism view on education
perform positive functions for both society and individuals.
parsons and functionalism
particularistic values in primary socialisation, secondary socialisation universalistic values. meritocracy
durkehim and functionalism
create social solidarity
to learn specialist skills
davis and moore in functionalism
sift and sort into future work roles
role allocation into subjects based on ability to then train for jobs
functionalism evaluation
don’t teach specialist skills as shortages in some jobs eg nhs
marxism and myth of meritocracy
sifting and sorting can have negative impact on success
feminism view on society
its patriarchal and divided by gender. women inequality
feminist view on education
instrument of exclusion as it reinforces gender identities and stereotypes and promotes patriarchal ideology
liberal feminism
cause of inequality is gendered secondary socialisation such as gendered subjects.
solution is to have education policies that reduce sexism eg equal pay, sex discriminatio, education reform act.
sharpe and feminism
unstructured interview, priorities in 70s was love and boyfriends 90s was career, explains why girls results so strong
radical feminism
cause of inequality is deep rooted patriarchy in education.
weiner in feminism
secondary school curriculum ‘women free zone’
feminism evaluation
each type used to evaluate other
social action view on society
micro approach
emphasises how individuals shape and construct society
focuses on small in-depth everyday interactions
social action view on education
classroom interactions to understand meanings and motives behind individuals experiences
rosenthal and jacobson in social action
tested labelling
those labelled as spurters did self fulfilling prophecy
ball and social action
studied school abolishingstreaming, streaming removed meant anti school subculture declined.
sewell and social action
black stereotypes and black respond by rebelling (anti school anti education), conformist (not part of subculture and keen to avoid stereotype), retreatist (disconnected from peer and school), innovaters (pro education anti school)
rutter and social action
features of good school can make difference to life of pupils
social action evaluation
labelling theorist only focus on internal factors rather than external factors (poverty)
labelling too deterministic and ignores self negating prophecy
benefits of streaming
post modernism on society
society is characterused by choice diversity and no longer fixed roles.
post modernism education
one size fits all approach outdated
education needs to be customised and flexible to meet needs of individual learners
Thompson and postmodernism
break free from one size fits all
customised to fit differing needs of diverse communities eg faith schools
usher and post modernism
diverse and customised to individual needs, flexible, life long
post modernism evaluation
can’t have individualised education due to financial costs
fail to account for class ethnic and gender differences in education
policies introduced due to globalisation
academies come from US system
free school influenced by swedish
equality act 2010
british values
prevent strategy
education bill 2015
new right view on society
running institutions like business, take reliance on self not benefits
new right view on education
meritocratic principles for open competition.
state education is inefficient and fails society and individuals
marketisation and parentocracy
chubb and moe in new right
marketisation benefits pupils as competition raises standards and efficiency. paying customer mentality.
two roles in state ed new right
imposes framework on schools which they have to compete
school transmits shared culture
education reform act
included league tables, ofste, funding formula, national curriculum.
new right coalition gov
free school meals, expansion of academies, tripling university fees, british values - all for shared national identity
conservative gov new right
education bill 2015
expansion of free school and faith schools
reintroduction of grammar schools
new right evaluation
state school low achievement due to funding received
Gewirtz middle class use cultural and economic capital to research and afford better schools
Barlett says marketisation disadvantages working class
Marxism view on society
society divided by two unequal social class (bourgeoisie ruling class and proletariat working class)
marxism view on education
transmits messages to legitimise capitalist ideology.
myth meritocracy
false class consciousness
althusser marxism
ideological state apparatus - equipment goverment use to control ideas.
education reproduces class inequality and legitimises class inequality
willis marxism
unstructured interviews to uncover anti school subcultures.
working class boys learn and do very little and get taught bare minimum to get though school.
subculture prepared them for boredom of labour and working class jobs and ensures their failure and underachievement just to gurantee a supply of workers for capitalism
bowles and gintis marxism
correspondence principle
operates through hidden curriculum
similarities are acceptance of hierarchy and authority, external rewards, competition, rules.
bourdieu marxism
middle class habitus is more valued in education than working class habitus