Respiratory system

Cards (28)

  • Nasal cavity- olfactory receptors are located in the muscosa on the superior surface
  • Respiratory system- overseas gas exchange (oxygen and carbo dioxide)between the blood and external environment
  • Pharynx- muscular passage from nasal cavity to larynx
  • Larynx- routes air and food in proper channel
  • Nasopharynx- Superior region behind nasal cavity
  • Oropharynx- Middle region behind nasal cavity
  • Laryngopharynx- Inferior region attached to larynx
  • Vocal cords- Vibrate with expelled air to create sound
  • Glottis- Opening between vocal cords
  • Trachea- Connects larynx with bronchi
  • Lungs- occupy most of the thorocic cavity
  • Bronchioles- Smallest branches of the bronchi
  • Primary bronchi- Formed by division of the trachea
  • Alveoli- Structure of alveodik
  • Gas exchange- Gas crosses the repiratory membrane by differion
  • Pulmonary ventilation- Moving air in and out of the lungs
  • External respiratory- Gas exchange between pulmonary
  • Respiratory gas transport- Transport to oxygen and carbon dioxide gas charge
  • Internal respiratory- Gas exchange between blood and tissue cell in systemic capillaries
  • Inspiration- Diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract
  • Expiration- air leaving lungs
  • Exhalation- Largerly a passive process whi depends on natural lung elasticity
  • Bronchial sounds- Produced by ait rushing through trachea and bronchi
  • Residual volume- Air remaining in lung after expiration
  • Asthma- Chronic inflamed hypersensitive brochiols passages
  • Cystic fibrosis- Oversecrestion of thick mocus clogs the respiratory system
  • Thyroid cartilage- Largest hyaline cartilage
  • Epiglottis- Superior opening of the larynx