Cards (15)

  • physical variables are aspects of the testing that needs to be controlled
  • elemination removes extraneous physical variables
  • constancy of conditions controls extraneous physical variables by keeping all aspects of the treatment conditions identical
  • balancing controls extraneous variables by equally distributing their effects across treatment conditions
  • social variables - aspects the relationship between subjects and experimenters that can influence experimental results
  • social variables:
    1. demand characteristics
    2. experimenter bias
  • single-blind experiment - subjects are not told their treatment condition
  • placebo effect - subject receives an inert treatment and improves because of positive expectancies
  • cover story - false plausible explanation of the experimental procedures
  • experimental bias - any behavior by the experimenter that can confound the experiment.
  • rosenthal effect - phenomenon in which experimenters treat subjects differently based on their expectations
  • rosenthal effect is also called the pgymalion effect and self-fulfilling prophecy
  • single-blind characteristics - only control demand characteristics
    double-blind characteristics - control both demand characteristics and experimenter bias
  • personality variables - personal characteristics that subjects brings to the experimental setting.
  • context variables - extraneous variables created by the research setting environment