Cards (22)

  • "we acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins"
  • "maker of the heaven and earth"- Nicene Creed
  • "God created mankind in his own image"- Bible
  • "Pray for those who persecute you" Bible
  • " i am the resurrection and i am the life" Bible
  • "there are many rooms in my fathers house" Bible
  • " go and make disciples of all nations" Bible
  • "be fruitful and increase in number" Bible
  • " for god loved the world he gave his one and only son" Bible
  • " i will make him (Adam) a helper" Bible
  • "pray for each other so that you may be healed" Bible
  • "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger and Ali is the friend of god" SHIA Shahadah
  • "in all things the master planning is god's" Quran
  • "god commands fair justice and dealings" Quran
  • "every community is sent a messenger" Quran
  • "they do not disobey Allah's commands" Quran
  • "this is my path leading straight so follow it" Quran
  • "fasting is prescribed for you so that you may learn restraint" Quran
  • "be steadfast in prayer and giving" Quran
  • "this is the scripture in which there is no doubt" Quran
  • " he who is the all-knowing,the all-powerful" Quran
  • "it is a duty of all believers towards god to come to the house a pilgrim" Quran