arthur birling is a heavylooking rather portentous man
a rathercold woman
a pretty girl in her earlytwenties, very pleased with life and ratherexcited
very much the well-bredyoung man-about-town
yes go on mummy
i was awfully busy at the works all that time
youll have to get used to that just as i had
oh- its wonderful! Look - mummy - isnt it a beauty?
now i really feel engaged
ill never let it go out of my sight
im talking as a hardheadedpractical man of business
unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable
a man has to make his ownway - has to look after himself and his family too, of course
youd think everybody has to look after everybodyelse, as if we were all mixed up together like bees in a hive - community and allthatnonsense
a man has to mind his ownbusiness and look after himself and his own - and - (we hear the sharp ring of a doorbell)
need not be a big man but creates at once an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness
twohours ago a young woman died in the infirmary. shed been taken there this afternoon because shed swallowed a lot of strong disinfectant. burnt her inside out, ofcourse
you couldnt have done anythingelse
he could have kept her on instead of throwing her out
its better to ask for the earth that to take it
why shouldnt they try for higherwages? we try for the highest possible prices.. id have let her stay
and ive been so happy tonight. oh i wish you hadnt told me
but these girls arent cheap labour - theyre people
after all y'know we're respectable citizens not criminals
she was very pretty
its the only time ive everdoneanything like that, and ill never, never do it again to anybody
why - you fool - he knows. ofcourse he knows
why should you [stay]? its bound to be unpleasant and disturbing
and you think young women ought to be protected against unpleasant and disturbing things?
(massively taking charge)
a pretty, lively sort of girl
i know im to blame - and im desperately sorry - but i cant believe - i wont believe - its simply my fault that in the end she - she commitedsuicide. that would be too horrible -
if nothing else, we'll have to share out guilt
you mustnt try to buildup a kind of wall between us and that and that girl. if you do the inspector will just breakitdown. and itll be all the worse when he does
no, hes giving us the rope so that we'll hang ourselves
[daisy] gave me a glance that was no less than a cryforhelp
i didnt installher their so i could make love to her ... i was sorry for her
publicmen, mr birling, have responsibilities as well as privilidges
if you think you can bring any pressure to bear upon me, inspector your quite mistake,. unlike the other three, i did nothing im ashamedof
go look for the father of the child. its his responsibility