How the drug interacts with the body to produce biochemical/physiological effects
How the body interacts with the drug (absorption, delivery, metabolism, excretion)
Molecular components of the body with which a drug interacts to bring about its effect
Non-receptor mechanisms by which drugs work
1. Antacids
2. Mannitol
3. Bulk & lubricating laxatives
4. Bile acid binding resins
5. Metal chelators
6. Purine/pyrimidine or folic acid structural analogues
Receptor mechanisms by which drugs work
1. Agonists mimic endogenous ligand
2. Antagonists lack intrinsic activity but occupy receptor so reduce agonist binding (& effect)
Medicinal use of drugs
Alleviate symptoms (e.g. analgesics)
Cure disease (e.g. antibiotics)
Prevent disease (e.g. vaccines)
Aid other procedures (e.g. general anaesthetics during surgery)
Lifestyle aids (e.g. contraceptives, vitamins)
Desirable drug properties
Specific action
Appropriate duration of action
Easy to administer/convenient for patient
Minimal side-effects/toxicity at therapeutic doses
Low cost; ready availability
Undesirable drug properties
Adverse effects
High dose needed
Organ toxicity
Difficult to administer
Poor tissue access
Expensive; poor availability
Rational approach to prescribing & therapeutics
1. Correct clinical diagnosis
2. Underlying pathophysiology
3. Drugs with potentially useful action
4. Monitoring therapeutic response
5. Risks vs benefits
6. Communication with patient in making decision to treat
Clinical Pharmacology
Use of drugs for diagnosis, prevention & treatment of disease
Study of the undesirable effects of chemical agents on living systems (organisms, ecosystems, etc.) - therapeutic agents, industrial pollutants, natural organic & inorganic poisons, other chemicals
Study/knowledge of drugs or poisons
Drug molecules
Size (molecular mass usually 300-500 daltons)
Shape & charge that complements binding site on receptor
Chemistry (many are weak acids or weak bases)
Proteins that mediate cell response to chemical signals
2. Involves various chemical interactions (non-covalent, covalent, ionic, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals, hydrophobic)
3. Usually reversible
4. Random/Brownian motion to binding site
5. Nature of interactions determines binding & dissociation rates
Dynamic (near) equilibrium occurs, where [DR] is proportional to [D] (& [R])
For a receptor molecule, the proportion of time it spends in the DR form ('switched on') will be related to the size of the cell response
If 2 ligands bind at the same site on the receptor, competition will reduce the time spent receptor-bound by each individually
Mimic endogenous ligand
Lack intrinsic activity but occupy receptor so reduce agonist binding (& effect)
Agonists & competitive antagonists acting at a particular receptor are often closely related in structure
Receptor response to drug
Binding of drug causes the receptor protein to undergo conformational change, which in turn affects receptor interaction with other proteins (e.g. signalling pathways), ion channel open probability, or enzyme activity
Direct drug effects
Drug mimics endogenous ligand (agonist) or competes with it for the binding site on the receptor (competitive antagonist)
Drug binding obstructs substrate access to enzyme active site (competitive inhibitor)
Indirect drug effects
Binding elsewhere on receptor, leading to conformational change that in turn modulates receptor function or enzyme activity (allosteric regulation: indirect agonism / non-competitive antagonism)
Modulation of downstream event(s)
Drug specificity is usually incomplete - drug interacts not only with target receptor(s) (intended effects) but also with other ('non-target') receptors (side effects)
Drug affinity (KA) for target receptors > affinity for other receptors
The extent of binding to non-target receptors increases with drug concentration, so drug side effects tend to increase with dose
Affinity is the extent or fraction to which a drug binds to receptors at any given drug concentration or the firmness with which the drug binds to the receptor.
Potency is the amount of drug required to elicit a certain effect.
Teratogenic is when the medication interferes with fetal development and causes birth defects
A drug is a substance acting on living systems at a molecular level
A receptor is a molecular component of the body that a drug interacts with to bring about its effect
Pharmacokinetics patient response to drug:
(A)bsorption form site of administration
(D)elivery to site of action
Time to onset of effect
Duration of effect
Accumalation on repeat dosing
First pass metabolism occurs when drugs are absorbed into the portal vein from the gut and then travel through the liver where they may be broken down by enzymes