cold cloud of dust & gasses condensed due to gravitational pull & formed earth
Nebular hypothesis
5-6 bil yrs ago in our galaxy a solar nebula & its rotation gravity made materials condensate to center of disk piling on & increasing temperature that caused the sun to form
Solar nebula
large rotating disk of dust & gasses that rotates by motion of galaxy
orbit sun & occasionally collide w each other & grow making protoplanets
initial planets of solar system that didn't crash into each other & evolve to make the planets
Wave increases
Suggests high density beneath upper crust
Surface of the earth down to the moho & the high velocity area under moho
Low velocity zone just beneath lithosphere, part molten part solid
Beneath asthenosphere that is solid & very hot
Inner & outer core
Beneath mesosphere, outer is thought to be liquid
Magnetic field formation
1. Outer core rotates eastward
2. Solid inner core rotates faster than outer core
3. Molten material (iron, electrically charged) of inner core moving around center of earth as its rotating
Core of earth
Made of iron nickel
Formation of crust
1. Chemical/ density differentiation
2. Denser materials are pulled towards center of earth
Outgassing hypothesis
Lighter materials through chemical differentiation by volcanoes that if temperature is right can form water while gasses flow upwards
Organisms that first ejected o2 through photosynthesis
Lithified tree resin that attracts insects that get stuck in the sap
Shriveling of soft tissue due to dehydration
Organism would get stuck on snowstorm and end up dying within the ice
Woody material that accumulates faster than it decomposes in swamps
Seeping oil that traps organisms
When mineral matter seeps into pores of bones, teeth after death
When unstable compounds recrystallize to more stable compounds, no composition change
Original skeletal material is replaced by compound of different composition
When volatile elements of organic material vaporize & leave behind carbon film
Unconformity between two sedimentary rocks
Unconformity between sedimentary rock & a different kind of rock
Angular disconformity
Tilting of strata
Theory that states the present is key to the past, earth's history is delicately balanced
Oldest rocks at the bottom
Original horizontality
Sediments are originally deposited horizontally, any inclines is later deformed
Lateral continuity
Strata extended all around til they are thinned out
Drift evidence
oceanic ridges
sea floor age
hot spots
flora & fauna
stratigraphic successions
Geological scale hierarchy
Oldest period/era on bottom
Igneous intrusive
Cooled magma & crystalline structure
Igneous extrusive
Cooling lava & glassy texture
Any rock changed by intense heat, pressure & fluids under crust
Sedimentary detrital
Solid particles once apart of another rock
Sedimentary chemical
Accumulation of biological/ inorganic chemical precipitants
Absolute dating
Uses radioactive decay time of specific elements
Alpha decay
Loss of 2 protons & 2 neutrons, atomic # decreases 2 & atomic mass by 4