Cards (10)

  • Magic:
    • Widely accepted subject
    • Split into theurgy (good) and geoty (bad)
    • Witch hunting becomes standard practise
    • James I's Daemonologie 1597
    • Law against witchcraft in 1563
  • Machiavellian figure:
    • Niccolo Machiavelli (bn 1496) wrote 'The Prince'
    • This was a guide on how to gain and maintain power
    • Personified by a cunning, amoral and opportunistic character
  • The Great Chain of Being:
    • A social hierarchy believed to be set out by God
    • The monarch was divinely appointed at the top of this system
    • If this hierarchy was betrayed the world would erupt into chaos
  • 'On Cannibals':
    • Montaigne's 1603 essay that illustrates the liberation, perhaps, of not complying to civilisation
  • The Noble Savage:
    • An idealised literary concept of uncivilised humanity with an innate goodness (not corrupted by civilisation)
    • "men in a state of nature so not know good and evil but their independence" {Rosseau, founder of the concept}
  • The divine right of kings:
    • The idea that the monarch derived from God, not from the appointment of subject
    • Rebellion is therefore the worst political planning, to usurp the king would be to go against God
  • Usurpation:
    • The act of taking control of something without having the right to, especially of a position of power (e.g., the throne)
  • The gunpowder plot:
    • 1605 failed assassination attempt by Guy Fawkes on King James I
    • driven by religious tension and resulted in the execution of the plotters
  • The Tempest was first presented at James I's Daughter's wedding
  • Shakespeare's last known solo play - a 'goodbye'