Creation of the Fifth Republic
1. In 1958 the National Assembly invested de Gaulle as premier, giving him emergency powers for six months, including the power to write a new constitution
2. Under this constitution the presidency became the strength of France's govemment
3. Political instability disappeared
4. de Gaulle devised a plan for Algerian independence which was approved in 1962; this was after having granted independence to all French colonies in sub-Saharan Africa
5. France became the world's fifth industrial power in the 1960s
6. France became the fourth country to develop nuclear capabilities, and Europe's largest producer of nuclear energy for peacetime needs
7. Although de Gaulle used direct (plebiscitary) elections and preserved free speech, he did create a sort of an "uncrowned republican monarchy"-the older political parties were paralyzed, and de Gaulle had the option to assume emergency powers