memory studies

Cards (20)

  • Sperling- investigated sensory memory capacity
    lab experiment
    condition 1- recall as many- 4-5 average
    condition 2- recall 1 row- 3 average
    findings: capacity large, duration short for SR
  • Jacobs- investigated capacity of stm
    showed ppts strings of letters or digits
    capacity- 7+-2 digits or letters
    capacity of stm- limited
  • Miller- chunking
    when group individual letters into meaningful units
    7+-2 chunks- is the capacity of stm
  • Bahrick- investigated duration of ltm
    tested memory of names of ex classmates 15 nd 48 yrs after
    15 yrs: recall 60% and recog 90%
    48 yrs: recall 30% and recog 80%
    ✔high ecological validity- more likely to generalise
    x couldnt control extraneous variables e.g. love
  • Atkinson and Shiffrin- MSMM
    3 seperate memory stores
    x oversimplified
  • Henry Molaison- evidence for msm
    had his hippocampus removed
    damage to ltm but not stm
    suggested we have multiple mem stores which can be damaged independently
  • Tulving- support for ltm model
    cw and hm had damage to episodic mem
    distinct mem stores for episodic and procedural mem
    hippocampus- episodic
    temporal lobe- semantic
    cerebellum and motor cortex- procedural. bis
  • squire and zola- limitation of tulvings ltm model
    investigated ppl who had ltm loss due to damage brain
    found ppl w damage to temporal lobe had impaired semantic and episodic mem
    sp semantic and episodic may not be distinct types of memory
    might be stored in same mem store
    semantic memories may start as episodic
  • patient KF- limitation of msm
    msm predicts if u have damage to stm, it cant be transferred to ltm
    patient KF had damage to stm w out damage to ltm
    support for wmm
  • baddeley and hitch- wmm
    4 components: central executive, episodic buffer, phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad.
  • Underwood- evidence for interference theory part 1
    aim- effect of learning other word lists on ppts recall of most recent
    1 list- 80% accuracy
    multiple wl (last)- 20% accuracy
    concluded- earlier wl interfered w recall of later ones
    evidence for proactive interfernce
  • Underwood- evidence for interference theory part 2
    control group who just had to learn 1st word pair list recalled better than the experimental group who had to learn 1st and 2nd word pair list
    newer mems interfered w older mems
    evidence for retroactive interference
  • Godden and Baddeley- support for cue dependent forgetting theory
    tested if internal cues help us retrieve mems
    asked ppts to learn lists of words to recall 24hrs later
    1 group in water, 1 on ground
    when tested in same context, recall was better (50%)
  • Deffenbacher- investigated effect of emotional arousal on mem recall
    relationship between emotional arousal and mem accuracy- inverted u shape
    some anxiety, improved accuracy
    too much anxiety- worse accuracy
  • Loftus and palmer- investigated factors that can influence accuracy of eye witness testimony
    lab experiment, watch car crash video
    manipulated wording across diff groups- 5 groups asked in a more or less leading way
    more intense verb- judged as going quicker
    in replicated study: ppts were tested twice (1 week later)
    did u see the broken glass? ppts had false mem

    more likely to have a false mem w more intense lang
    x may have suffered from demand characteristics
    x may lacked ecological validity
  • Johnson and scott- investigated effect of anxiety on mem accuracy
    2 groups: 1) low anxiety- msn walked out w pen
    2) man walked out w knife covered in blood
    then asked to identify man from 50 photos
    low anxiety- 49% accurate
    high anxiety- 33% accurate
    x lab exp- lack ecological validity
  • Yuille and cutshall- investigated effect of anxiety in real life setting
    investigated mem accuracy of real life witnesses who saw a gun shooting 5m earlier
    found they had extremely good mem accuracy
    x real life so difficult to control extraneous variables and establish c and e e.g. closer to event
    x doesnt support deffenbachers inverted u
  • Gieslman- tested effectiveness of cognitive interview
    during a lecture, got an intruder wearing a blue rucksack to enter room and steal a slide projector
    interviewd students 2 days later
    control group: standard interview technique
    exp group: cog interview
    they were asked a leading question (green bag)
    cog int- were less likely to mistake it for green
    cog int lessened effects of leading q on mem accuracy
  • Gieselman and fisher- enhanced cognitive interview
    modified version of ci
    focused on building trusting relationship between interviewer and witness
    more successful w children
    avoid interrupting or distracting, witness given more control, encourage not to guess and say when unsure. so reduced false mems
  • clive wearing and henry molaison- case study support for tulvings ltm model
    both had damage to their episodic memory but not their procedural memory