lord of the flies quote bank

Cards (11)

  • Quotes about Ralph
    Beginning of book - "Fair boy" .. "No grown-ups!" ... "We ought to have more rules
    Middle of book- "we're being fools" ... "I'm chief, I'll go, don't argue" .. "let me think
    End of book - "That was Simon, that was murder" ... "I wasn't scared, I was - I don't know what I was."
  • Quotes about Jack
    Beginning of book - "Choir! stand still!"... "simple arrogance" ... "we don't want you" 
    Middle of book - "Kill the Pig! Cut his throat!" .... "The desire to hurt was over-mastering" ... "bollocks to the rules."
    End of book - "Jack planned his new face" ... "viciously, with full intention, he hurled his spear at Ralph"
  • Quotes about Piggy
    Beginning - "where's the man with the megaphone?" ... "the fat boy"... "on account of my asthmar
    Middle - "life is scientific" ... "I got the Conch" ... "What are we? Humans? Or savages?" 
    End - " "sucks to your asthma-r" .... "Willingness to carry the conch against all odds" .... "The conch exploded"... "piggy was gone"
  • Quotes about Simon
    Beginning - "I work all day with nothing but Simon" .. "Simon turned away from them" ... "Simon stood by him, silent
    Middle - "maybe it's only us" ... "you'll get back alright" ... "i think so anyway" .. "I don't believe in the beast"
    End - "Simons dead body moved out towards the open sea" ... "Simon was crying out"
  • Quotes about Nature
    Beginning of the novel - untouched beauty of island "shimmering water".. "open spaces of the scar" ... "coral reef" 
    Middle of novel - fire - "savage with smoke and flame" ... "acres of black and yellow smoke"... "crept as a jaguar creeps"
    End of novel - "burning wreckage of the island" ... "shower of broken twigs" .... "Fire reached the coconut palms... swallowed them noisily"
  • Quotes about wisdom/knowledge
    Beginning - "I've been wearing specs since I was three" .... "Piggy' glasses were misted again - this time with humiliation" ... "fat boy" 
    Middle - "life is scientific" .. "with the martyred expression of a parent" .. "senseless ebullience of the children
    End - "I know there isn't no beast" ... "Ralph looked at him dumbly" .. "there was no piggy to talk sense"
  • Quotes about innocence/experience
    Roger loses innocence - "the taboo of the old life" ... "with a sense of delirious abandonment".... "Roger was dropping them.. Ralph was a shock of hair"
    Jack - "choir! Stand still!" ... "bollocks to the rules" .... "Next time there would be no mercy
    Piggy - "where's the man with the megaphone?" ... "come away. There's going to be trouble." ... "there was no piggy to talk sense"
  • Quotes about society/democracy
    Beginning - "I got the conch, I got the right to speak" "where's the man with the megaphone" ... "shut up... fatty" 
    Middle - "bullocks to the rules" ... "why should choosing make any difference?" ... "who cares what you believe, fatty?"
    End - "the conch exploded" "piggy was gone"
  • Quotes about the Beast
    Simon - "maybe its only us" ... "I don't believe in the beast"... "Simon (couldn't) express man-kind's essential illness
    How the beast evokes panic - "not scared so much as paralysed" ... "it sat up and looked at us" .... "the Lord of the Flies hung on his stick and grinned" 
    The internal violence inside all of the boys - "the beast was harmless and horrible"..."the beast was on its knees in the centre" ...."Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!"
  • Quotes about human relationships
    beginning - "we can use this to call the others" .. "Roger picked up a stone.. threw it to miss" ... "Here was the taboo of the old life"... "sucks to your asthma"
    middle - "Jack had him by the hair and was brandishing his knife"... "why do you hate me?" (jack to Ralph showing the difficulty of their relationships)
    end - "that was Simon. that was murder."... "there was no piggy to take sense." .... "don't leave me Ralph"
  • Quotes about evil

    beast brings out evil - "maybe there is a beast... maybe its only us"... "fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill." ...