Petition Prepared for Presentation to Nicholas II on "Bloody Sunday" (January 9, 1905): 'We, workers and inhabitants of the city of St. Petersburg ... our wives, children, and helpless old parents, have come to you, Sovereign, to seek justice and protection. We are impoverished and oppressed, we are burdened with work, and insulted. ...And we have suffered, but we only get pushed deeper and deeper into a gulf of misery, ignorance, and lack of rights ...And so we left our work and declared to our employers that we will not return to work until they meet our demands. We do not ask much; we only want that without which life is hard labor and eternal reduce the working day to eight hours ... to increase the wages of unskilled workers and women to one ruble per day; to abolish overtime work; to provide medical care attentively and without insult; to build shops so that it is possible to work there and not face death from the awful drafts, rain and snow.'