Cards (10)

  • Scenery (set) - the theatrical equipment, such as curtains, flats, backdrops, or platforms used in a dramatic production to commnunicate environment.
  • Costumes - clothing and accesories worn by actors to portray character and period.
  • Props - formally known as property, used o stage or screen by actors dring a performance or screen production.
  • Lights - intensity and color of lights to help communicate environment, mood, or feeling.
  • Sounds - an audience hears during performance to communicate character, context, or environment.
  • Makeup - costumes, wigh, and body paint used to transform an actor into character.
  • Proscenium Stage - faces one side of the stage directly.
  • In the round stage - positioned at the center of the audience.
  • Traverse Stage - sits on two sides, like in the round stage.
  • Thrust Stage - arrangement which consists of being surrounded by audience on three sides.