tectonicshift - movement of the plates that make up earth`s crust
tsunami - large wave generated by an earthquake or volcanic activity underwater
earthquake - sudden shaking of the ground caused by tectonic shifts
volcanoes - eruption of molten rock from beneath the surface of the earth
tectonic - earthqquake produces by sudden movement along faults and plate boundaries
volcanic - induced by using lava or magma beneath active volcanoes
divergent - plates moving apart
convergent - plates coming together
transform - plates moving past each other
plate boundary - where two or more plates meet
when there was only one continent called pangaea and one ocean called panthalassa
ground shaking - is a term used to describe the vibration of the ground during an earthquake
body waves - travel through the interior of the earth
p-waves - can travel through liquid and solids and gases
s-waves - only travels through solids
surface waves - typically generated when the source of the earthquake is close to the earth`s surface
seismometer - is the interior part of the seismograph
seismogram - is graph output by a seismograph. it is a record of the ground motion at a measuring station as a function of time
surface rupture - is the visible offset of the ground surface when an earthquake rupture along a fault affects the earth1s surface
seismology - the study of earthquakes and seismic waves that moves through and around the earth
seismologist - is a scientist whos studies earthquakes and seismic waves
liquefaction - when vibrations or water pressure within a mass of soil cause the soil particles to lose contact with one another
eartquake-inducedlandslide - when an earthquakes occures, the transmission of seismic waves can cause shaking and vibration of ground surface
magnitude - earthquake size is a quantitative measure of the size of the earthquake at its source
intensity - the severity of earthquake shaking is assessed using a descriptive scale
subsidence - is a general term for downward vertical movement of the earth`s surface , which can be caused by both natural processes and human activities