Cards (49)

  • Christology
    Study of Christ
  • Logos
    Study of
  • According to Matthew 16, Peter says Jesus is the son of the living God
  • Jesus is a Good Moral Teacher
    According to culture
  • Jesus is

    Fully God, Fully Human
  • Jesus is the heart of the Christian Faith
  • We found safety in God that was revealed in the New Testament
  • Messiah
    Jesus is referred to as in the New Testament
  • Heaven opened when Christ died and was resurrected
  • Jesus Christ according to

    • Old Testament - "He is coming"
    • New Testament - "Christ is already here"
    • Acts and Letters - "Proclamation about Christ"
    • Revelation - "He is coming"
  • The 4 Gospels
    • Matthew
    • Mark
    • Luke
    • John
  • The 4 Gospels wrote about the life and works of Jesus Christ
  • Sheol or Hell

    Abode where the prophet waits for God's arrival to open the gates of Heaven
  • Focus of each Gospel
    • Matthew - fulfillment of the prophecies
    • Luke - salvation of all
    • Mark - Jesus' miracles
    • John - Last few weeks of Jesus' life (PASCHAL mystery is the passion, death and resurrection)
  • Jesus is the Shepherd
    Shepherd says according to the Gospel of Matthew
  • Jesus is the promised Messiah
    Simeon says according to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark
  • Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world

    St. John the Baptist says according to the Gospels of John and Luke
  • Jesus is a good teacher
    Nicodemus says according to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark
  • Jesus is our savior
    Woman in the well says according to the Gospel of Matthew
  • Jesus is a blasphemer
    According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, the pharisees also says that..
  • The Pharisees got angry because Jesus performed a miracle on the Sabbath Day
  • Jesus says "I AM"
    • The bread of life
    • The vine
    • The resurrection and life
    • The way, the truth and the life
    • The light of the world
    • The door
    • The good shepherd
  • We know Jesus is God based on evidence:

    1) When he performed miracles
    2) When he resurrected from the dead
  • Jesus - "I am, who I am"

    Eternal: no beginning, no end
  • Chalcedonian Confession

    Christ is truly God and truly Human
  • The Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD condemned Nestorianism and the Monophysite controversy, and affirmed the dual nature of Christ
  • Monophysitism
    • This nature found in Jesus, they argued, was a mixture of divine and human, so no real humanity and no real deity.
    • Jesus only had 1 nature, divine one
  • Nestorianism
    Christ had two distinct and separate natures, two separate persons in the body of Christ
  • The Council of Nicea in 325 AD sided with Athanasius against Arianism, concluding that Jesus is truly God and truly man
  • Arianism
    • Proposed by Arius He suggested that Christ was created by God.
    • He suggested that Christ was created by God
    • He denied the deity of Christ
  • The early church faced Christological controversies in trying to explain how Christ is both man and God, leading to early church creeds and confessions
  • Hypostatic union

    The term for the dual nature of Christ, where his human and divine nature are united in one person
  • Kenosis Theory

    Argues Jesus gave up some of his divine attributes when he became a man
  • The Kenosis Theory does not fully understand the mystery of the incarnation
  • Scriptures affirm Jesus is God in the flesh, revealing his deity through miracles
  • Attributes of Deity seen in Jesus
    • Immortality
    • Sovereignty
    • Worthy of worship
    • Omnipotence
    • Omniscience
    1. For Representative Obedience
    2. To be a Substitute Sacrifice
    3. To Be the One Mediator Between God and Man
    4. To Fulfill God's Original Purpose for Man to Rule the Creation
    5. To Be Our Example and Pattern in Life
  • Where did the prophets, righteous go after death?
    They went to SHEOL or HELL.
  • The Council of Chalcedon affirmed the dual nature of Christ...

    Vera homo - truly man
    Vera deus - truly God
  • Monophysitism
    • was a mixture of divine and human, so no real humanity and no real deity.
    • Eutyches proposed Jesus did not have two natures but only one.
    Mono - one, physis - nature