Minting place = central function, silver came from France
Tolling station = 750 - 850, Dorestad as most important tolling station in Carolingian empire north of the Alps
Hub in international trade = 8th-9th century, important wares: glass, ceramics, quern stones, wine, metals (iron swords)
Long distance trade = Syrian glass
Central place for region (Hinterland)
Craft production: located west to the harbour, possible crafts = ship building, cloth, bone and antler working, smithing, carpentry, leather
Food production: barley, rye, wheat, beans, peas, and lentils, but Dorestad partly depended on exported food supply
Dorestat lost its function in 850: no longer an international trading settlement, minting place, harbour, and tolling station move to Tiel and Deventer, transformed into manorial state and curtis with a church and cemetery Steenstraat