The process by which the double-stranded DNA is copied to produce 2 identical DNA molecules
DNA Replication
1. DNA Replication
2. Models of Replication
3. Origin of Replication
4. Replication Fork
5. Different Enzymes
6. Where to Start Synthesizing?
7. Direction of Replication
Conservative Model
Two parental strands reassociate after acting as templates for new strands, thus restoringtheparental double helix (100% parental DNA is retained)
Semi-Conservative Model
The two strands of the parental molecule separate and function as a template for synthesis of a new complementary strand (Onestrandistheparentalmoleculewhiletheotherisnew/replaced)
Alllivingorganisms use the Semi-Conservative Model
Dispersive Model
Each strand of both daughter molecules contain a mixture of old and new synthesized DNA (MixtureofoldandnewDNAinastrand)
Origin of Replication
Single points of separation in DNA, forming a "replication bubble"
Accumulation of A:T pairings (A:T are easier to separate because they only have 2 hydrogen bonds unlike G:C which has 3 hydrogen bonds)
The more origins of replications, the faster the speed of replication will be
Replication Fork
When replication bubbles are zoomed in, it forms a Y-shaped region
Its primary function is to unwind/unzip the DNA double helix by breaking the hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs creating a replication fork
It unzips to form new DNA
The helicase enzyme looks for the origin of replication (sign: lots of A:T pairings)
Single Stranded Binding Proteins (SSB)
Binds and stabilizes single-stranded DNA (note: because DNA separated is unstable & prone to degradation)
The two separate bonds still have H bonds (magnet-like), SSBprevents the reannealing of DNA
Lessensthestresscausedbytheunzipping & twisting of the DNA
Topoisomerase cuts the parts where there is strain and reconnects to lessen the pressure
Can start an RNA chain called a primer from scratch and add it using the parental DNA as a template
ShortRNA (5-10 nucleotides long)
The 3' end serves as the starting point for the new DNA strand
Provides a starting point for DNA synthesis
DNA Polymerase III
Primary enzyme responsible for synthesizing new DNA strands during replication
Requires a primer to add nucleotides
It gets free floating nucleotides and pairs its complementary with the template
Adds nucleotides ONLY in the 5' to 3' direction
Leading Strand
The direction of replication is towards the replication fork
Lagging Strand
Synthesizeddiscontinuously in short fragments called Okazaki fragments
Direction of replication is away from the replication fork
Once an Okazaki fragment is synthesized, DNA polymerase I removes the RNA primer and replaces it with DNA, and DNA ligase joins the adjacent Okazaki fragments, forming a continuous complementary strand
Binds Okazaki fragments together
DNAcanonlyelongateinthe5' to 3' direction
DNAreplicationisbidirectional because of its antiparallel structure