Escherichia coli - strains veroxytotoxin and Shiga-like toxin
Transmission - Feco-oral transmission
Affected groups - Rapidly growing weaner and pigs bet 4 and 12w of age
F18 receptos important in ED are not fully expressed in pigs under 20d of age
common in weaner to grower
Stxe is absorbed into circulation = vascular damage to the target organs
In brain -> changes may be exacerbated by anoxia results from slow blood flow
Ingestion of edema dss strains of E. coli↓ Colonization of bacteria in the intestine in pigs ↓Binds to the fimbrae receptors of the intestine ↓Release Shiga toxin 2e ↓Toxin is absorbed by the intestine into the circulation↓It targets the vascular endothelium w/c have high concentrations of toxin receptors↓Damage to vascular endothelium results in edema
Outbreak is sudden in onset but short-lived, averaging 8d and seldom exceeding 15d
PWD (post-weaning diarrhea) and ED occurs simultaneously
Case mortality rate varies -> 50-90%
Thriftiest pigs are most likely to be affected
Piglets die in 6-36 hrs
While affected animals are still alive, fecal samples shld be cultured to determine presence of hemolytic E. coli
ED principle is cytotoxic to Vero cells and may be useful in an assay system for dx
Diagnostic Tests - Culture specific organism in the ileum, colon, mesenteric LN
Facial edema Full stomach Mesenteric edema
Viral encephalomyelitisof pigs (Teschen dss)
Streptococcal meningitis
Salt poisoning
Organic arsenic poisoning
Mulberry heart dss
Poisoning by Amaranthus spp. And Chenopodium album
None (ineffective)
Oral antimicrobial prophylaxis in affected pens, based on antimicrobial sensitivity testing
Sick pigs shld be treated initially w/ antimicrobials and electrolytes parenterally because they do not eat or drink
Drug should be highly active in the lumen of gut - (fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, apramycin, ceftiofur, neomycin, or trimethropim)
Avoid drastic changes in diet
Passive immunity
Nurseries -> managedas all-in/all-out facilities and properly cleaned, disinfected and dried, and rested before the next arrivals
Both organic acids and medication w/ 50 ppm of enrofloxacin -> useful in controlling and/preventing PWD and ED
Tx w/ anti-VT2E serum -> provide protective immunity against ED in pigs
Characterized by sc and subserosaal edema, progressive ataxia, recumbency and death
Associated w/ E. coli strains producing a Stx, Stx2e toxin, enters blood-stream and damages vessel walls
3 serogroups: O138, O139 and O141 and sometimes O147 ( all nearly alpha-hemolytic)
Strains have adhesins that enable bacteria to colonize the intestine and elaborate protein exotoxins
Bacteria colonize the SI w/o causing significant changes bbe means of adherence factor F18 (F107), usually F18ab or occasionally F18ac, as the fimbral adhesin
Recovered pigs have protective antibodies to Stx2e