Continuous process that operates in a certain context where people exchange words, gestures, and other nonverbal symbols to create and understand information or messages
key terms for Communication(Wood, 2012)
Implies continuity
one never stops from communicating as it is an ongoingactivity
It is Dynamic as it continually changes
never static
Interrelated parts that affect one another (Wood, 2012)
a collection not of random parts, but of organized wholes
is likewise affected by the larger system within which it operates.
culture is considered a large system.
To effectively communicate and interpret the message, it is important to understand the system (culture, religion, ethnicity, nationality, socio-economicstatus, age, sex, politicalaffiliation and others) within which communication takes place
is represented by language (Palta'sdefinition)
it is indicated by spoken or written words and facial expressions, gestures and voice qualities (Ober and Newman)
A concrete representation of something abstract
can be viewed as an “end” in itself
when people communicate, they attach this to the symbols they use (either verbal or non-verbal) with the intent that the person/s they are communicating with share the same of this as intended.
Elements of communication
Encoding and decoding
Noise or barrier
Linear models
Shannon and Weaver'smodel
Interactivemodel of communication
This model is in contrast with the linear one which considers communication as flowing only in one direction from a sender to a receiver (Gronbeck, 1999)
in this model, communication is a two-way process which involves an exchange or an interaction between the sender and receiver
Also called the transmission model
model assumes that communication is transmitted in a straightforward manner from a sender to a receiver
in this model, communication is a one way process
Laswell's Verbal Model
Communication flows in one direction from the sender (who?) with the message (says what?) which is sent via a certain medium (in what channel?) towards the receiver to bring about a certain result (with what effect?)
Transactional Model
This model was adapted from Wood (1997) in response to the failure of the interactive model to portray the dynamism of human communication
Pearson et. al, 2011
Communication is an activity in which you participate
two levels of meaning:
content level
relationship level
Content Level
refers to the literal meaning of the message
It is parallel to the denotative meaning of the message.
Relationship level
It expresses the relationship between communicators
This can be the connotative meaning of a message.
HaroldLaswell (1948)
a political scientist, produced a set of questions to conveniently describe what comprises communication
Laswell’sComponents of Communication
A) Who?
B) a source
C) says what?
D) through which channel?
E) to whom?
F) with what effect?
G) sends a message
H) through a medium
I) to a receiver
J) producing some effect
Pearson et al. (2011)
provided more comprehensive components of communication called as elements of communication
the ones involved in the communication process
They have the roles of being the source who initiates a message and the receiver as the intended target of the message.
the verbal and non-verbal form of idea, thought, or feeling that one intends to communicate to another person or group of people
Verbal message
pertains to the language one utters
Non-verbal messages
refers to gestures, body movements, sign languages, and facial expressions that carry with them their own meaning.
it refers to the means with which the message is delivered.
It is the receiver’s verbal and non-verbal response to the source’s message
It is a systematic arrangement of symbols used to create meanings in the mind of another person.
is defined as the process of translating an idea or thought into a code
is the process of assigning meaning to an idea or a thought.
Noise or Barrier
refers to any interference in the encoding and decoding processes which affect the clarity and understanding of a message.
In this model, communication flows in one direction from the sender (who?) with the message (says what?) which is sent via a certain medium (in what channel?) towards the receiver to bring about a certain result (with what effect?)
Laswell's Model (1948)
ShanonandWeaver's model of communication
In this model, the personal fields of experience, whether shared or no by the communicators are very important
the communicators’ fields of experience explain why misunderstanding occurs (Schram)
Interactive Model ofCommunication
Key features of Transactional Model
has a time element for which influences how people communicate
It depicts communication as varying (not constant) and dynamic (not static).
The outer lines in the model indicate that communication occurs within systems that influence what and how people communicate
does not label one as the sender and the other as the receiver. Instead, are communicators
Principles of Communication
Communication is transactional
Communication is inevitable
Communication is goal-oriented
Communication has various levels
Communication is complex
Communication can be learned
Communication is relational
Communication is guided by culture
Communication is transactional
It is a two-way process which involves an exchange. When the message is sent, a reply is expected.
Communication is inevitable
It is impossible not to communicate. The moment you wake up, you already start communicating by merely thinking of how your day will look like.