Pentecost in the Old Testament for the Hebrew literary means fiftieth (50th).
Feast of Harvest - 50 days after the seed as planted
Torah Festival - 50th day after the Passover Sabbath
Pentecost - day of celebration for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that empowered the apostles to begin their mission of spreading the Gospel to all nations
How did early Christians live?
Breaking of the bread
Fellowship: They regularly met to pray together, to encourage and edify one another because of the persecution they are going through.
Teachings: The apostles continued to teach about Jesus and His teachings to the assembly of the faithful.
Breaking of the bread: The early Christians ate together to be in communion with Jesus and with one another.
Sharing: No one was in need in the Christian communities because they shared everything in common.
What are the reasons for persecution?
Civic Obligation
Social Termites
Civic Obligation - Religion for the Romans was a social activity that promotes unity and pledge of patriotism, but Christians refused to worship Roman gods.
Social Termites - Christians were suspected of committing all sorts of wrongdoing. Besides during earlier periods, they held their worships in secret. Pagan misunderstood Christians' words and acts of worship.