
Cards (12)

  • Pentecost in the Old Testament for the Hebrew literary means fiftieth (50th).
  • Feast of Harvest - 50 days after the seed as planted
  • Torah Festival - 50th day after the Passover Sabbath
  • Pentecost - day of celebration for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that empowered the apostles to begin their mission of spreading the Gospel to all nations
  • How did early Christians live?
    • Fellowship
    • Teachings
    • Breaking of the bread
    • Sharing
  • Fellowship: They regularly met to pray together, to encourage and edify one another because of the persecution they are going through.
  • Teachings: The apostles continued to teach about Jesus and His teachings to the assembly of the faithful.
  • Breaking of the bread: The early Christians ate together to be in communion with Jesus and with one another.
  • Sharing: No one was in need in the Christian communities because they shared everything in common.
  • What are the reasons for persecution?
    • Civic Obligation
    • Social Termites
  • Civic Obligation - Religion for the Romans was a social activity that promotes unity and pledge of patriotism, but Christians refused to worship Roman gods.
  • Social Termites - Christians were suspected of committing all sorts of wrongdoing. Besides during earlier periods, they held their worships in secret. Pagan misunderstood Christians' words and acts of worship.