christian beliefs

Cards (36)

  • what is begotten?

    born of
  • what is holy spirit?
    the spirit of god who gives the power to understand and worship
  • what is jesus christ?
    the son of god who came into the world as a human being
  • what is the trinity?

    god as one being in three persons
  • what is charismatic?
    a power given by god e.g. inspired teaching
  • what is humanity?
    all human beings
  • what is spiritual gifts?

    gifts given by god to believers e.g. speakers in tognues - a specal language
  • what is creationism?

    the belief that the world was created in a literal six days and that genesis is a scientific/historic account of the beginning of the world
  • what is conservation?
    protecting something from being damaged or destroyed
  • what is environment?
    the surroundings in which plants and animals live and on which they depend for life
  • what is freewill?
    having the freedom to choose what to do
  • what is stewardship?
    looking after something so that it can be passed on to the next generation
  • what is incarnation?

    to take on flesh; god becomes a human being
  • what is crucifixion?
    being nailed to a cross and left to di
  • what is sin?

    anything that prevents a relationship with god, either because a person does something they shouldn’t or neglects to do something they should
  • what is ascension?

    going up into heaven
  • what is resurrection?

    rising from the dead; also the view that after death god recreates a new body in a heavenly place
  • what is atonement?

    the action of restoring a relationship. in christianity jesus’ death and resurrection restores the relationship between god and human beings
  • what is grace?

    undeserved love
  • what is law?

    guidelines as to how people should behave
  • what is repentance?
    to say sorry for, and turn away from, any wrongdoing
  • what is salvation?

    being saved from sin and the consequences of sin; going to heaven
  • what is day of judgement?

    time when god assesses a person’s life and actions
  • what is eschatology?

    an area of christian theology concerned with life after death
  • what is heaven?

    place of eternal paradise where christians believe they will spend the afterlife
  • what is hell?
    place of punishment and separation from god
  • what is immortal soul?
    a soul that lives on after the death of a physical body
  • what is purgatory?
    a place where souls of the dead are cleansed and prepared for heaven
  • what is universalism?

    the belief that because of the love of god everyone will go to heaven
  • what is benevolence?
    all good
  • what is omnipotence?
    all powerful
  • what is moral evil?
    suffering caused by humans
  • what is natural evil?
    suffering caused by natural events
  • what is satan?
    ‘the adversary’ one of god’s angels who rebelled against god’s rule
  • what is intercession?

    prayers for those who are suffering
  • what is vale of soul-making?

    an environment where human beings can overcome evil by making good choices