
Cards (435)

  • The hydrological cycle and catchments
  • Hydrological cycle

    The continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth's surface
  • The International System of Units (SI) is the modern standardised metric system of measurement
  • Supplementary and Derived Units in the SI system
    • Supplementary units: radian, steradian
    • Derived units: newton, pascal, joule, watt, coulomb, volt, ohm, siemens, weber, tesla, henry, degree Celsius
  • Definitions of SI units are based on fundamental physical constants
  • Evaporation and evapotranspiration are important hydrological processes
  • Evaporation
    The process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas (water vapor)
  • Evapotranspiration
    The sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth's land and ocean surface to the atmosphere
  • Energy transformations drive the evaporation process
  • Evaporation can be measured using evaporation pans, lysimeters, and eddy covariance techniques
  • Penman-Monteith equation

    An equation used to calculate reference crop evapotranspiration
  • Actual evapotranspiration can be calculated from reference evapotranspiration and other factors
  • Precipitation can occur in various forms and is produced by different rain-producing mechanisms
  • Precipitation can be measured using rain gauges, radar, and for snowfall
  • Errors can occur in rainfall measurement due to various factors
  • Double mass curves

    A graphical technique used to detect inconsistencies in rainfall data
  • Streamflow can be measured using various techniques
  • Streamflow records are important for hydrological analysis
  • Design floods are different from actual floods arising from rainfall events
  • Annual exceedance probability (AEP)

    The probability that a given rainfall or flood event will be exceeded in any one year
  • Average recurrence interval (ARI)
    The average or expected time period between exceedances of a given rainfall or flood event
  • Flood frequency analysis involves fitting probability distributions to recorded streamflow data
  • Flike software can be used to fit probability distributions and estimate design floods
  • Intensity-Frequency-Duration (IFD) relationships are used to estimate design rainfalls
  • The Rational Method is a simple approach for estimating peak flows
  • Regional Flood Frequency Estimation can be used to estimate design floods
  • Catchment delineation can be done using topographic maps or digital elevation models (DEMs)
  • Catchment averaged rainfall can be estimated using arithmetic mean, Thiessen method, or isohyetal method
  • Gridded rainfall products like SILO and Australian Gridded Climate Data are available
  • Hydrograph analysis and rainfall-runoff modelling are used to estimate streamflow hydrographs
  • Runoff generation processes include infiltration excess, saturation excess, and groundwater flow
  • Hydrograph
    A graph showing the variation of streamflow with time at a particular location
  • Components of a hydrograph
    • Direct or storm runoff
    • Baseflow
  • Factors affecting the shape of a hydrograph
    • Rainfall characteristics
    • Catchment characteristics
  • Runoff generation processes
    1. Rainfall
    2. Infiltration
    3. Overland flow
    4. Subsurface flow
    5. Groundwater flow
  • Losses
    Rainfall that does not contribute to direct runoff
  • Rainfall excess

    Rainfall that contributes to direct runoff
  • Initial loss

    Loss of rainfall before runoff begins
  • Continuing loss
    Loss of rainfall during the runoff event
  • Rainfall bursts vs complete storms have different effects on losses