Cards (52)

  • Flip Book
    A small book consisting of a series of images in different positions that create illusion of movement when thumb is placed so pages flip quickly.
  • Motion
    The action or process of moving or being moved.
  • Motion Information and Media

    Refers to materials, programs, applications and the like that teachers and students use to formulate new information to aid learning through the use, analysis, evaluation and production of moving text and images.
  • Storyboard
    Is a graphic representation of how your video will unfold, shot by shot.
  • Video
    A recording of moving visual images made digitally or on videotape.
  • Motion media
    Visual media that gives the appearance of movement, can be a collection of graphics, footage, videos, combined with audio, text and/or interactive content to create multimedia
  • Creating motion media
    1. Each picture is a frame
    2. Motion is created by rendering or showing consecutively several frames per second
    3. Twenty-four (24) frames per second makes for a smooth animation
    4. Series of graphics or images follow a sequence to create a story (storyboard)
  • Motion media
    • Can be produced formally (by professionals) or informally (by individuals for personal use)
  • Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication.
  • Validity of information
    Is it peer reviewed and verifiable?
  • Blended Learning
    A style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face learning
  • Online Course
    A course conducted over the internet
  • Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
    Is an online course that offers open access via the internet for free or at a low cost
  • Trend
    Something that is currently popular or fashionable
  • Ubiquitous Learning
    Learning at any time at any place
  • Amanda Rollins
    What's a MOOC? History, Principle and Characteristics
  • Four Characteristics of MOOC
    Using web format, collaborative learning, assessing knowledge, time limits
  • Massive Open Online Content
    Is defined by Educause as a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance
  • MOOC
    Alternative to those who have hectic schedule, cheaper than educational institutions, global scale
  • Wearable technology
    is seen to be the up-and-coming technology of the future
  • Smart Watcher
    As a wearable are developed for convenience, but its inability to function as an independent gadgets puts it at a distinct disadvantage.
  • 3D (three dimensional)

    Brings digital data and design to the physical world literally
  • The paperless society
    Is a society where communication is done electronically and all forms of printed communication have become obsolete

    Space-based satellite nagivation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions
  • Formal text-based materials
    Are created and distributed by established institutions (such as publishing companies, news agencies, etc.) and go through a rigorous process of editing or evaluation and are usually governed by censorship of the state.
  • Informal Text
    Information that comes from personal opinions
  • Text
    A simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether hand-written, printed or displayed on screen.
  • Text Media

    Are publications that disseminate information through media products.
  • Typography
    The style, arrangement, or appearance of printed letters on a page
  • Media Literate Individual
    being able to decode, analyze, and evaluate information. Additionally, a media literate is able to analyze the benefits and challenges of media to himself/herself to the different local sectors
  • Text Media Example
    Newspaper, flyers, books, magazines, tarpaulins, advertisements, television, banners, website, and posters.
  • Emphasis
    Refers to the importance or value given to a part of the textbased content
  • Appropriateness
    Refers to how fitting or suitable the text is used for a specific audience, purpose, or event
  • Proximity
    Refers to how near or how far are the text elements from each other
  • Alignment
    Refers to how the text is position on the page
  • Organization
    Refers to a conscious effort to organize the different text elements on a page
  • Repetition
    concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire design.
  • Contrast
    creates visual interest to text elements. It is achieved when two elements are different from each other
  • Typeface (Also called font, font type, or type)

    refers to the representation or style of a text in the digital format
  • Serif
    connoted formality and readability in large amount of texts