Christianization - preservation of their indigenous rituals and traditions
NationalCommissionforCultureandtheArts - overall policy making body
CulturalCenterofthePhilippines - leading institution for the arts
NationalMuseum - educational, scientific, and cultural institution
MetropolitanMuseumofthePhilippines one of the major museums in the Philippines. embracing the philosophy of art for all
BenCabMuseum - houses the permanent collection of Philippine National Artist Benedicto Cabrera (BenCab)
ArtFairPhilippines - exhibiting and selling the best in modern and contemporary
ManilART - premier international art fair
FinaleArtFile premier gallery institution
KublaiArtGallery and Davao Contemporary Art Gallery - Davao’s visual artists.
ThirteenArtistsAwards - mark the turnings in and of Philippine contemporary art
A technique is the way the artist uses and manipulates the materials to express an idea or feeling through an art.
PUNI leaf fronds folding
SANICULAS cookies made with imprint of San Nicolas de Tolentino
PABALAT Wrappers
TAKA paper mache
Pagbuburda Colorful patterns, Lumband
Minimalism taking away unnecessary and leaving only the essential.
Found Objects junks
Large-Scale Art creation of something huge for public view
Musical - instruments
Practical - use in daily life
Environmental recycled, arts that occupies space, installation
PictorialWorks - shapes, pictures, graphics. camera
Narrative - based on story, drama, novel, laguage
MarkSalvatusSecretGarden2 small room at the Vargas Museum to show a site specific woek. Plastic spoons, forks and other materials. (minimalism, found objects)
InteractiveGames by Ikoy Rico trump card witih images of Philippine car wrecks. (found)
Untitled (Mirrors) by Maria Taniguchi acrylic on canvas and traditional modern style of abstraction. (scale art, minimalism)
AnonymousAnimals in Mariyah Galleri in Dumaguete 2013 - excavated animals were presented with specific and scientific names (large scale art, found objects)
Abaca- leaf sheath
coconutshells - wood carving
capiz - windowpane oyster
rattan - climbing palms
cowrie shells - shell ljewelriy, vibrant color
junk - discarded articles
rocksandsands - abundant
CREATIVE NONFICTION - is nonfiction prose which utilizes the techniques and strategies of fiction. [Facts/Information, Extensive Research Reportage/Interviews, Personal Experiences]