Action Theories

Cards (7)

  • Cooley - Symbolic Interactionism
    Looking glass self - our images of ourself is shaped by our perceptions of how others see us & we change our behavior based on these perceptions
  • Thomas - Symbolic Interactionism

    Labeling - if we believe a label to be true, this belief will affect the way we act. Defining a situation as real will have real consequences
  • Mead - Taking the role of the other
    Humans are different from animals, because our behavior is not just instinctive, as we give meanings to things.

    We gain meaning through taking the role of the other. As children we do this by seeing ourself through the eyes of those close to us (parents). As we age, we begin to see ourselves from anybody & everybody else - the generalized other.
  • Goffman - Impression management

    People use 'presentation of self' & impression management' to control how we come across, as well as the role we plays.

    Role we play in society are loosely scripted & we have freedom to choose how & when we play them. People can interpret their roles in many ways. People are aware they are doing this - life is a process of 'self-presentation' - possible by our ability to see ourselves how others see us.
  • Schutz - phenomenology
    The social world is experienced through our senses. When we meet someone, we give them a typification which helps us provide order to the world. The social world is only possible when people share the same meanings & the fact that the social world appears real to us shows that its working
  • Weber -Integrated Approach

    Vershten - involves researchers trying to put themselves in the position of those they are trying to study & thereby discover the meanings behind their actions.

    Rejected structuralist theories & recognized people have choice & can act to change social structures. But he recognized people didnt have complete free choice - importance of social structures & how these influence lives.
  • Giddens - Integrated Approach

    Structuration - 2-way-process by which people are constrained by society & institutions, but can can at the same time take action to change them - both structure & action are 2 parts of the same process - This change occurs through a process of reflexivity.