The study of past events considered TOGETHER (Holistic), especially EVENTS (What & Why) of a particular PERIOD(When), COUNTRY(Where), or SUBJECT (What)
Asystematic, often chronological narrative of significant events as relation to a particular people(who), country (where), or period (when), often including an explanation of their causes (Why)
Importance of the History of Architecture
To understand the total context of Present day Architecture
The oneness of architecture: EVERY PART of the STRUCTURE is an INTEGRAL part of the WHOLE
The setting of Architecture (Environmentally sensitive design)
Buildings belong in a LARGER SETTING, architectural character was and should be derived from the natural/manufactured environment
The Community of Architecture
Structures are CULTURAL REFLECTION of its TIME and were MADE for a PURPOSE
Gives us a GLIMPSE of how the SOCIETY were in the PAST: socio-economic and socio-politicalstructure and climate in the past
The Meaning of Architecture
Intangible elements that AFFECT the EXISTENCE of the BUILDINGS should be considered indispensable to their appreciation
Buildings are NOT ONLY PHYSICAL presences, explores: why they are there? why they are the way they are
Significance and relevance in Professional Practice
To understand the essence of present day concepts in building design and construction
To recognize the importance of the natural environment in relation to the structure/project
To identify the relevance of socio-political/cultural, economic context in the design and construction of structures
To learn from the mistakes of the past and avoid irreversible damages in the future
To guide us a professionals in making wise decisions for the project
Timeline of Philippine Architecture

Pre-colonial Philippine Islamic Architecture
Pre - colonial Philippines: The Balangay
Present Period: The Barangay
Earthquake Baroque Churches brought by Spanish colonization of the country but has adapted in Philippine setting
City Beautiful Movement by Daniel Burnham (American Colonization)