Definitions of abnormality

    Cards (14)

    • What are the 4 definitions ?
      1. failure to function adequately
      2. statistical infrequency
      3. ideal mental health
      4. deviation from social norms
    • What is ideal mental health ?
      Jahoda- must have all 6 to be normal
    • what are the 6 ideal mental health?

      1. Self attitude
      2. personal growth
      3. perception of reality
      4. autonomy
      5. environmental mastery
      6. integration
    • What is failure to function adequately ?
      ability to cope with day to day living
    • What does GAF stand for ?
      global assessment of functioning scale
      questionnaire on how well u cope 0-100
    • What is deviation from social norms ?

      If behaviours / beliefs do not fit into society's norms
    • What are social norms ?

      Expectations on how people should behave
      if you break these you are abnormal
    • What is statistical infrequency ?

      any behaviour that is statistically infrequent ?
      uses the normal distribution curve
    • What is the normal distrubution curve ?
      • People normally Sit around the mean
      • further from the mean more abnormal.
      • anyone more than 2 deviations from the mean is abnormal
    • What is standard deviation ?
      Measure or average distance from the mean
    • What is evaluation of ideal mental health ?
      • varies between cultures
      • not many ppl have all 6
      • subjective
    • What is evaluation of failure to function adequately ?

      + easy to judge (hygiene)
      _ people can do day to day life with a mental illness
      _ some people are unaware they aren’t coping
    • What is evaluation of statistical infrequency ?

      _ relies on an arbitory cut off point
      _ statistics aren’t correct as not everyone is diagnosed
      _ gender issues
    • What is evaluation of deviation from social norms ?

      _ social norms vary between cultures
      _ social norms change over time
      _ just because people don’t follow social norms doesn’t make them abnormal